Below are 6 of the best random fights in a sports related a movie. This list could have been a lot different if I had included any of the Rocky Films, Karat...
I hope everyone is ready for 50,000 end of 2011 film lists! I decided to start off with a pretty simple one for the end of 2011 by showcasing my favorite soundt...
The box office presence of Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol is winning over audiences and critics alike. The fourth installment in the Mission Impossible s...
Ah yes, the ever-dreaded 'chick flick.' We all know it when we see it: sappy music, love stories, Katherine Heigl. Men avoid these movies like post-coital con...
Rob and Lindsay list off some of the most annoying kids ever to appear in feature films. So this holiday season, just be happy you don't have to buy gifts f...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. (List by Jess) Top 10 Box Office Bombs of the Last Decade (2001-2011)*...
Tired of hearing the same music over and over agin in movies and trailers? Well Rob sure is. Take a look at his list below of some of the most abused so...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. Top 10 Worst Movie Character Employees (In no particular order)
Kate Winslet is everyone's favorite actress. Well maybe not for the Academy. Until her win for her role in The Reader, Kate was nominated five times for an ...