Here at FTS we want to give a random top 10 list about..well whatever we want. I was recently lucky enough to not only see the original Die Hard for the first t...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about ... well whatever we want. This week list is the Top 10 Things I Learned From The 84th Academy A...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. This week Jess and Lindsay list their Top 10 Romantic Gestures in Film...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. Today, Lindsay lists off: Top 10 Dario Argento (directed) Films
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. (List by Jess) Top 10 Box Office Bombs of the Last Decade (2001-2011)*...
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. Top 10 Worst Movie Character Employees (In no particular order)
Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want. Here's our Top 10 favorite Quotes from Wedding Crashers.