Hello and welcome to French Toast Sunday! French Toast Sunday is here to bring you loads of unique features and content all about your favorite films. We celebrate everything you love about movies because we love it too. Make sure you check out our Index page for all our features as well as our Review page and Podcast page for more good stuff.
I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like… Books, records, films – these things matter. Call me shallow but it’s the fuckin’ truth. – Rob Gordon in High Fidelity
The FTS blog and podcast started in March of 2010. Six friends from Baltimore, MD. got together every week to talk about the latest film releases. As the blog post and episode count grew, so did our team. Today, FTS is the home for many contributors all over the globe. More than just movie lovers, we are also friends. Make sure you take the time to read all about our amazing contributors and see who shares your movie tastes!
Click on a member below to read their bio!

“Lindsay is kind of a big deal. She’s not really sorry that she broke your 335 year old door knob, she thinks life moves pretty fast and she doesn’t remember asking you a goddamn thing. Lindsay is notorious for making preposterous bets with people and can often be seen singing 80s music in her mini van. She can never watch enough horror movies, especially old Italian horror. Her overriding love for discussing movies led her to the forum know as the world wide web. Thus, the creation of French Toast Sunday. Some of her favorites films include
City of God, American Beauty, No Country for Old Men, Inferno, Suspiria, The Shining, The Thing, Anything Quentin Tarantino / Danny Boyle / David Fincher has done,
Anchorman, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, etc….”
Lindsay is the site’s founder and main contributor. She is also the individual on FTS Podcast that speaks with an odd sentence structure, can’t properly pronounce names and sounds like a 12 year old boy. See all of Lindsay’s reviews here. Have a question for Lindsay? Email her at lindsay@frenchtoastsunday.com

“Jess is a recent graduate with a degree in media studies and often dreams of Michael Fassbender. She really would love to be a worldly traveler but in the meantime watches a lot of movies and (sometimes bad) television. Her favorite kind of movies are the ones that keep her thinking/talking about it days after seeing it, usually over dinner or drinks with the FTS crew. Her goal is to become better versed in classic films, and going through all the Best Picture winners is how she plans to do it. Some of her favorite films include
Rebecca, When Harry Met Sally, Annie Hall, Jurassic Park, High Fidelity, To Kill A Mockingbird, 28 Days Later, The Breakfast Club, The Departed, Clueless, The Descent, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Some of her favorite directors include Tarantino, Fincher, Hitchcock, Soderbergh, Allen and Anderson.”
Jessica regularly contributes to the FTS blog page and comments. She has a column called “Best Picture Series” where she dissects Best Picture Oscar winners. See all of Jessica’s reviews here. Have a question for Jess? Email her at jess@frenchtoastsunday.com

Rob has a menial, dead-end job at a electronics store, much like
Shaun of The Dead. Also, like
Shaun of The Dead, he enjoys getting drunk and listening to electro music (not to be confused with hip hop). In the event of a zombie outbreak he would most likely be just as prepared, although he does believe dogs can look up. Favorite Films:
Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Big Lebowski.
Rob is known as the quiet one on FTS Podcast. He also writes a column called “What’s the Deal?” where he reviews buzzworthy movies to see if they live up to the hype as well as “Beer and a Movie” where he pairs a film with a tasty beverage. See all of Rob’s reviews here. Have a question for Rob? Email him at rob@frenchtoastsunday.com

“Leisure Rules! An adventure 65 million years in the making, Big Willy Styles is the biggest mother of them all. Essentially, he’s having the day of his life.. over and over again. With eight legs, two fangs, and an attitude, he’s out to prove he’s got nothing to prove. It’s evident that good girls want him bad, bad girls want him worse. Nice guys finish last, and this guy won. In spite of all this, his story will touch you, even though he can’t. …and remember, the next scream you hear may be your own! Will’s lookin’ for a dime, that’s top of the line, Cute face, slim waist, with a big behind. Favorite Films:
Inception, The Other Guys, GoodFellas, Invincible, Saw, Inglourious Basterds, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.”
Will is known as the offensive one on the FTS Podcast. He has no shame in saying whatever is on his mind, no matter how crazy he sounds as a result. He also writes a reoccurring feature that answers “How Mark Wahlberg Could Make This Movie Better.” See all of Will’s reviews here. Have a question for Will? Email him at will@frenchtoastsunday.com

“What can be said about Marc? A whole f@*king lot, that’s what! Marc is a huge movie fan owning over 1900 movies (take that Lindsay!). Actually, the only reason they asked Marc to be a part of FTS is that he fulfulls two of their minority quotas (we’ll let you figure out which two). Marc likes to mix it up, you can just as easily catch him sitting front row in a fashion show as you could at his local comic book shop. His irreverent and sometimes shocking opinions will keep you on your toes or on the floor with laughter. He brings out the worst in people, but in a good way. Marc hates ignorance, liars, skinny people who dress poorly, and the word ‘moist’. He uses sarcasm as a second language. To know him is to love him, and if you don’t love him, you probably don’t matter. Favorite Movies:
The Goonies, The Warriors, Little Monsters, Inception, Nightmare on Elm Street, City Of God, Heathers, Super Troopers, Sin City , and the list goes on boo………..”
Marc is a strong contributor of the FTS podcast, keeping us all up to date with the latest movie and entertainment news. You can see all of Marc’s reviews here. Have a question for Marc? Email him at marc@frenchtoastsunday.com

“When Nick isn’t trying to get an appointment with the ever-busy Lacuna Inc., or checking his totem, he’s watching movies. When he’s not watching movies, he enjoys reading Straight Jacket, Old Custer, and the Dictionary (his favorite letter is ‘G’). Nick enjoys everything from comedy to foreign film to not horror. His favorite directors include Stanley Kubrick, David Fincher, Wes Anderson, and Quentin Tarantino. He used to work with most of the French Toast Sunday Crew (pretty much everyone but Jess) and recently reconnected with them at the midnight release of
Dinner for Shmucks. They invited him to come as a special guest to the podcast and the rest, as they say, is. ”
Nick regularly contributes to the FTS blog page and podcast with his unique insight on film. He also writes an ongoing series know as Nick Vs. The Scarecrow where he analyzes and reviews films from “The Scarecrow Video Movie Guide.” See all of Nick’s posts here. Have a question for Nick? Email him at nick@frenchtoastsunday.com

“Though he was born without the ability to create lysine, life found a way to allow Jay to not just live, but watch films in the process. He’s the FTS UK correspondent, although he’s only English by birth as he’s never drunk tea, doesn’t play cricket and has never even owned a bowler hat, but he is partial to a scone with jam and clotted cream. Jay is attempting to fill in all the gaps a movie-deprived childhood has provided, predominantly via various ‘Important’ movie lists, and he’ll watch anything involving robots, dinosaurs, or robot dinosaurs. He met Lindsay on a podcast a while back, and after listening to the entire FTS podcast history (not recommended) he was invited to join the site as a form of reward. His favourite movies include:
Jurassic Park, Anything Pixar (except
Cars, but especially
The Great Escape, Reservoir Dogs, North by Northwest, Alien, Seven, Amelie, Iron Man, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and
Jay is the FTS UK correspondent, reviewing the (very few) films that get released there first, and he also writes an ongoing series called Jay’s USA Road Trip, where he is taking a cinematic journey across America, reviewing a film from each state. His own site can be found at lifevsfilm.com, where he occasionally writes reviews and Top 10 lists. Have a question for Jay? Email him at jay@frenchtoastsunday.com

Raised by movies and television, Robert is struggling to adapt to real society. He learned at an early age that his father is not a ghost that he can capture in a homemade
Ghostbusters trap and that real life archaeologists are nothing like Indiana Jones after shadowing one while in high school. Robert channels his love of film through French Toast Sunday and the movies, music, and escapism website known as
totheescapehatch.com. Robert lives – LIVES – in Florida, the weirdest state of them all.
See all of Robert’s posts here. Have a question for Robert? Email him at Robert@frenchtoastsunday.com

“Sara is a film studies major from NYC who has tried to weasel horror films into every possible scholarly piece of writing she’s had left in her senior year of undergrad, from masculinity in torture porn to technology in found footage; Evil Dead was her childhood favorite film so that should explain a lot. But, Sara also enjoys watching and learning/writing/talking about a variety of films, not just those with zombies and masked killers, and she tries to see both the merits and flaws in every movie she sees and reviews. She loves anything and everything David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, and Martin Scorsese (who she particularly deems a religious deity of sorts and whom her future pug will most likely be named after). Lastly, she collects any and all Sulley merchandise from Monster’s, Inc and Monster’s University despite being told she greatly resembles Merida from Brave.”
Sara is proudly a new contributor to FTS, where she has started a feature column she hopes to continue to develop called Trope Talk, where she considers some of cinema’s most recognizable, for better and for worse, tropes. She also runs her own movie blog redheadatthemovies.wordpress.com and can be followed on twitter @redheadatmovies. Have a question for Sara? Contact her at sararedheadatthemovies@gmail.com.

“If it were up to Mette, she would be 10,000s of kilometers (because: she will never understand whatever “miles” really mean) above the earth in a snugly space suit, brainstorming on how to solve the technical difficulties of HAL9001 (because: obviously, HAL9000 quit his job). And perhaps, one day she will. As for now, the most challenging part of her life is explaining to people how to pronounce her name correctly (Met-eh). Or cheating by using her middle name Marie at Starbucks (otherwise, her drinks will spell ‘Matthew’ in 9 out of 10 cases). Mette also likes to start a new never-ending project every other day, such as watching all 1001+ movies from the 1001 Movies You Have To See Before You Die books, starting blogs or podcasts, learning how to ski down a big hill without breaking her butt, reading all of Game of Thrones (ahem, A Song of Ice and Fire) and then watching the show, learning Chinese and finding friends with benefits (like cooking skills or a high level of emotional literacy, to make up for her own lack thereof). Sometimes, Mette tries to be a bigger nerd than she is, and other times, she tries to hide how big of a nerd she is. It’s complicated. Perhaps that’s why she likes parantheses. Most definitely, it’s why she loves computers.”
Mette contributes to FTS with two monthly features: “Start From the Bottom” – a series that looks at famous director’s first films and “Netflix Rainbow” – a feature that focuses on films randomly chosen on Netflix. Mette found her way to FTS after leaving her former blog home Lime Reviews and Strawberry Confessions but can still be heard on the fantastic podcast Across The Universe: The Chicks With Accents Podcast.

Nathan is an aspiring director just waiting for the right story to tell. He recently moved to the Baltimore area and is looking to meet other film obsessors and be inspired. Nate has quite the impressive movie stubs collection, which he’s been building since 1997 when he saw a movie he absolutely despises (
Titanic, if you must know). But on top of that, his movie collection is even more impressive, just not as impressive as Marc’s (yet). When not working or watching movies, he also enjoys creating music with some close friends or just relaxing with a good book or comic book. Nathan enjoys everything from horror, comedy and foreign films, and some of his favorites include
Evil Dead, Drive, Shame, Metropolis, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Suspiria, Die Hard, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and
Shaun of the Dead. He enjoys the works of Refn, Ti West, Tarentino, Kevin Smith and Anderson, among many others of course. Also, is it weird that I’m writing about myself in the third person?
Nate is a new contributor to At-Home Alternatives and the new, monthly Netflix Preview. Have a question for Nate or movie/show to recommend? Or maybe you just want to have a conversation about celebrity badass Bruce Campbell? Email him at dnhalejr@gmail.com