Let’s take a look at the new home releases for the week including what’s available on Blu Ray/DVD and Video on Demand.
Super Big Movie New Release
RottenTomatoes 18% | IMDB 6.0
What’s it about?
Recommend it?
I didn’t see this piece of shit. Fool me three times…
Shouldn’t you see it to at least keep up with the zeitgeist?
No! There are plenty of people out there who are making interesting, intelligent, and ambitious movies that can at least competently tell a story. Those who aren’t telling a story are at least successful in trying new things to help push the medium. All Michael Bay gives me with his Transformers movies is a fucking migraine.
Best “Fuck You” from a Well-Known Director
RottenTomatoes 88% | IMDB 7.3
What’s it about?
A chef who is tired of not being able to cook his own menu lashes out at his former boss and a food critic by starting up his own food truck. He proves he was right all along when his truck becomes a hit.
Recommend it?
Sure would! Chef was great and I hope Jon Favreau makes more movies like this!
How is this a “fuck you,” and what else has Jon Favreau made?
Jon Favreau got his start writing, directing, and starring in smaller indie movies like Swingers and Made. Eventually he made Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Cowboys & Aliens. One gets the idea from this movie that he grew tired of the big budget tentpoles and wanted to do something more on his own… since that’s the plot of the fucking movie. If the movie has one fault, it’s that it is way too on-the-nose for it’s own good and leaves very little to our imaginations, kind of like that new Weezer song.
Best Movie I Didn’t See Starring a Future Hedwig
RottenTomatoes 86% | IMDB 7.0
What’s it about?
From IMDB: “When a protective father meets a murderous ex-con, both need to deviate from the path they are on as they soon find themselves entangled in a downwards spiral of lies and violence while having to confront their own inner psyche.”
Recommend it?
The trailer made it looked like a generic action piece of shit. By the time I had read more about it, it had left theaters. Then a little while later, Michael C. Hall was cast as Hewig in Hedwig and the Angry Inch!
Was it any good?
For me the cast is the biggest draw, along with the 86% TomatoMeter and the fact that I haven’t really heard anything negative about the movie. Aside from Michael C. Hall, it stars Sam Shepard and Don Freaking Johnson, possibly going for a lesser-type Matthew McConaughey career revival via tiny indie movie. It also has Wyatt Russell, Kurt Russell’s son, who was awesome in 22 Jump Street.
Best Movie of the Week!
RottenTomatoes 88% | IMDB 6.9
What’s it about?
A stand-up comedian accidentally gets pregnant and treats us to a much more honest version of Knocked Up.
Why was this the best movie of the week?
Not only was this the best of the week, but it was one of the better movies I’ve seen this year. Most of this comes from how raw and honest this movie is, and even more so, at how it dissects the idea of being honest and open. The movie has a lot to say about abortion, women’s rights, and I think we need more movies like this.
Let me know in the comments below!