French Toast Sunday is made up of a collection of fantastic podcasters and writers from all across the globe. We are proud of the FTS community and would love for our readers to take a moment to get to know us a little better. Every month, we will highlight a new contributor with a brief questionnaire that will hopefully shine some light into the life of an FTSer. This month, we take a look into the world of Robert Zerbe.

Name: Robert Zerbe
Age: 30
FTS Member Since: October 2013
Twitter: @zerbert
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
It depends, but I’m definitely more of a morning person these days (what can I say, I’m getting old).
Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
I’m a big-time planner.
What motivates you?
The thought of failure, I guess. Letting myself and others down sucks.
What’s your favorite:
food? Pizza
color? Blue
holiday? Halloween, of course! But Christmas is also sort of my favorite holiday by default.
It’s 8:00pm on a Friday night, what are you doing?
Probably on the couch, trying to get caught up on movies!
Do you have any cool skills? Any skills you wish you had?
I used to be able to play the trombone but I haven’t picked one up since high school. Playing the guitar or piano would be cool. I can wiggle my ears…?
Do you have a pet? If so, what type of animal is it, and what’s its name?
I have a crazy black lab/mix named Gypsy!
What is something odd that fascinates you?
Just any sort of weird urban legends or mysteries (the Ourang Medan, Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm, Bigfoot, etc.).
When and Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging about 4 years ago. I suggested that two of my friends start a music blog and then I decided I wanted to write about movies for said blog.
What is your favorite genre of film? Least favorite?
My favorite is probably horror but I like any sort of sci-fi/fantasy stuff too. My least favorite is probably romance or musicals although I reserve the right to like one or two.
Is there a particular actor who you would see in a movie regardless of what the film is?
Probably Harrison Ford!
Do you refuse to watch any movie from a certain actor or director because of their behavior in their personal life?
Not really but I just recently remembered how big of an asshole Sean Penn was/is.
Who is your favorite director?
Edgar Wright!
Best decade for film?
The ’80s!
Any future blogging goals?
Just writing more and trying new things for my blog!