French Toast Sunday is made up of a collection of fantastic podcasters and writers from all across the globe. We are proud of the FTS community and would love for our readers to take a moment to get to know us a little better. Every month, we will highlight a new contributor with a brief questionnaire that will hopefully shine some light into the life of an FTSer. This month, we take a look into the world of Sara Grasberg.

Name: Sara Grasberg
Age: 24
FTS Member Since: February 2014
Twitter: @RedheadAtMovies
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Definitely a morning person– I run on adrenaline when I first wake up, no matter what time I wake up, but crash by mid-afternoon. Staying up with, or even relating to, my night owl peers is a constant struggle.
Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
Planner. I neurotically plan everything and when something doesn’t go according to plan, I’m not happy. But I can be spontaneous with certain, random things, too, just not as often.
What motivates you?
Myself. I’ve always been hard on myself and have high expectations of myself and I don’t settle for anything less than what I know I’m capable of. I’m my own worst enemy but that’s what motivates me.
What’s your favorite:
food? This is tough. Probably a fancy, interesting mac & cheese. Or peanut butter– I can eat peanut butter 24/7.
color? Pink, preferably when paired with blue.
holiday? Halloween! Candy, costumes and all-things-scary, what more could I ask for.
It’s 8:00pm on a Friday night, what are you doing?
Depends, but if I don’t have plans, I’d say probably unwinding with some TV or movie-watching in the comfort of my home, hopefully with my friends, family, or significant other.
Do you have any cool skills? Any skills you wish you had?
I can juggle two items in one hand (but not 3 in two hands, which is allegedly easier to do). I wish I could do movie makeup effects, that takes such talent and creativity!
Do you have a pet? If so, what type of animal is it, and what’s its name?
I’ve always had multiple cats growing up, right now I just have one cat. Her name is Sandy, named after the hurricane– we got her right before the storm hit, and she was a bit destructive herself when we took her home, so it seemed fitting!
What is something odd that fascinates you?
I’ve always had a weird fascination with medical history– epidemics, old medical procedures and equipment, things like that.
When and Why did you start blogging?
I was inspired to start blogging after studying abroad in Berlin where I got to attend some of the screenings and events of the Berlinale film festival. It somehow just got me thinking that I’d only ever written about film academically and I wanted to see what reviewing was like. I’d read a lot of film criticism as part of an internship I’d held once too, so that also kind of inspired me to try it out.
What is your favorite genre of film? Least favorite?
Horror is my absolute favorite, with comedy coming in at a close second. I hate most typical romance movies but I think I hate most action movies even more.
Is there a particular actor who you would see in a movie regardless of what the film is?
Emma Stone, hands down.
Do you refuse to watch any movie from a certain actor or director because of their behavior in their personal life?
Probably just Clint Eastwood, ever since the talking-to-a-chair incident combined with my general disinterest in his films. I had to watch Gran Torino for a class but other than that, I’m just not his biggest fan (as a director, anyway). And I guess maybe Mel Gibson, too.
Who is your favorite director?
David Fincher, but Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino are up there also.
Best decade for film?
They all have their strengths, how can I choose! I suppose I’ll go with the 1940s just because Film Noir is one of my other big areas of interest and I don’t really spend much time writing about older film genres/movements now that I’m not in college anymore. I miss it and wish I had time to integrate it into my blogging!
Any future blogging goals?
Just to blog more often and try not to let life get in the way so much, to really time-manage and make time for all facets of it– commenting back, maintaining the look of it, and writing the posts themselves, of course.