French Toast Sunday is made up of a collection of fantastic podcasters and writers from all across the globe. We are proud of the FTS community and would love for our readers to take a moment to get to know us a little better. Every month, we will highlight a new contributor with a brief questionnaire that will hopefully shine some light into the life of an FTSer. This month, we take a look into the world of Nick Rehak.

Name: Nick Rehak
Age: 25
FTS Member Since: August 2010
Twitter: @TheRehak
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I used to be a morning person, but with my current job, I’m definitely a night owl.
Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
I like to think I’m a healthy dose of both. Sometimes it takes an extra push for me to be spontaneous, but it always works out to be a great decision.
What motivates you?
Seeing my friends become successful. One of the great things about being part of FTS is we’re more than a collective on Baltimore-based film lovers/bloggers/Podcaster; we’re a family. Anything I can do to help contribute to the success of this family, that’s what motivates me.
What’s your favorite:
food? Pizza
color? Bluish
holiday? Probably Thanksgiving.
It’s 8:00pm on a Friday night, what are you doing?
Well, unfortunately with my current job, I’m usually being lame staying in and watching a movie or playing video game until 10ish… I gotta be up early on Saturday.
Do you have any cool skills? Any skills you wish you had?
I play the drums. That’s a skill right?
Do you have a pet? If so, what type of animal is it, and what’s its name?
No Pets.
What is something odd that fascinates you?
I think death and the idea of life. That sounds really dark but, I dunno. It’s so interesting to think that one day you just won’t exist anymore. And if that’s the case, then why are we here? What are we supposed to do? Is there something more after this? Will anyone remember me when I’m gone? I find myself thinking about these things for much longer than people should.
When and Why did you start blogging?
Whatever my first post on the French Toast Sunday site is; that’s my first ever blog post. And I did it because I either asked to post something or I was asked to. I know, fascinating.
What is your favorite genre of film? Least favorite?
My favorite genre is anything fantasy/science fiction. I like exploring other worlds or seeing peoples perception of what the future will hold. (I’ve also increasingly become a fan of surrealist films, but I feel those are held under the Sci-Fi umbrella) And, shocker, my least favorite genre is horror.
Is there a particular actor who you would see in a movie regardless of what the film is?
There are two that come to mind. I’ll gladly watch any film that includes Tom Hardy or Dane Dehaan
Do you refuse to watch any movie from a certain actor or director because of their behavior in their personal life?
I can’t stand Spike Lee (though I do love his docu-series When The Levees Broke) When I was in high school I took a forensic science class. We were tasked with picking a serial killer, studying that person, and presenting a huge project. I chose David Berkowitz (Son of Sam killer). I decided, with my research, I should watch the film Summer of Sam to see how this person was interpreted in the media. What an awful awful movie. It didn’t even bother with the killer, instead, Lee turned it into a film about race relations. WHAT? That has NOTHING to do with Berkowitz. I understand race is an important conversation society needs to have, but I watch movies to escape society, not to be reminded.
I also Hate Sally Field with a burning passion.
Who is your favorite director?
My favorite director is usually Stanley Kubrick. Sometimes, Paul Thomas Anderson takes over the mantle, but I’m a Kubrickian all the way. Or is that a Kubriholic? Kubrickite? You know what I’m getting at.
Best decade for film?
The 70s. There are too many points to make, but they include the caliber of actors/actresses, the films that were released then, the directors that honed their craft and released masterpieces, and the incredible soundtracks. I’ll be so bold as to say the 70s were the most influential decade in film AND films from the 70s stand the test of time better than any other decade. Ever.
Any future blogging goals?
I just want to become a better blogger and better contributor. I don’t write as much as I should or could. I should have a post a week, if not a post every two days. I have so many ideas and passions I want to share, but I don’t. And that’s really sad.