Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at French Toast Sunday, we want to give you guys a little something extra for your movie experience. Enjoy and movie-drink responsibly!

reanimator2When it comes to practical effects showcase movies of the 1980’s, Re-Animator deserves a solid mention alongside bigger names like The Thing and An American Werewolf in London. It’s premise is that medical student Dan Cain takes on a colleague, Herbert West, as a new roommate who’s uncovered a reagent that can bring corpses back from the dead. Only the corpses are a bit wonky, violent and prone to disgusting maladies. It makes for a lot of fun, especially when you add in an on her guard girlfriend and a Dean who won’t stay out of their reviving dead people business. Come for the bizarre Herb West and stay for the morgue full of reanimated corpses. GOOD LUCK!

reanimator3  A Hypnodew* (for its comparable hue to Herb West’s reagent)



  • whenever someone says the words “brain”, “dead”, or “mister”
  • whenever the Psycho ripoff score kicks in
  • Meg freaks out
  • someone is dismembered
  • someone dies
  • a corpse is reanimated


  • during the shovel impalement


  • Take a shot every time a body is thrown against a wall
  • …and when you see the Talking Heads poster

