Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at French Toast Sunday, we want to give you guys a little something extra for your movie experience. Enjoy and movie-drink responsibly!
Now I can get drunk while I watch one of my favorite films. David Fincher’s sharp look at the world’s youngest billionaire is fast-paced fantastic from start to finish. You can read more about why I like it so much here or just skip right to the drinking.GOOD LUCK!
- Someone insults Mark or Mark insults someone
- Mark uses technical jargon
- The Winklevi interrupt each others sentences
- You see a bra or Victoria’s Secret is mentioned
- Anyone says “Crimson”
- Animals are mentioned
- The coders take shots
- Mark is praying.
- Christy’s scarf burns.
- Take a shot whenever the Winklevi are rowing (practice or otherwise)