January is known to be the movie dumping ground of the year. Studios are riding off of their holiday season releases, and don’t seem to want to put out any strong competitors. This month I am only really interested in seeing two movies, with a few others with DVD potential. There’s just a whole lot of eh going around. (List by Jess)

The Devil Inside
Well, we know Will is excited for this one! Too bad it doesn’t really look all that exciting. Could be decent but there is not much to set it apart from other crime flicks. Would Rather Re-Watch: The Town
Joyful Noise
Oh my, wiki describes the plot with “Tough times in the town lead to budget problems that threaten to close down the choir, at the same time as the town needs the choir’s inspiring music more than ever”. This just looks like nothing I would ever be interested in watching. I would also rather not watch Dolly Parton for any sort of extended amount of time. Would Rather Re-Watch: Sister Act
A movie I am actually excited to see. Steven Soderbergh + a badass female character + Michael Fassbender pretty much sold me. Why this is being released in the midst of these other clunkers only slightly worries me.
Red Tails
I saw this trailer in theaters all the way back when Drive came out. It does not interest me anymore all these months later. It sort of looks over-sentimental and less gritty than your usual war film. Would Rather Watch: The Tuskagee Airmen, which is a 1995 HBO-produced movie telling the exact same story which was well-received at the time
Underworld: Awakening
Apparently this is the month of Kate Beckinsale for better or worse… She follows up her role in Contraband with this 4th installment of the Underworld franchise. This movie seems to be following the route of Resident Evil, using the use of 3D technology to warrant producing another sequel of a poorly received series. I suppose big fans of the series will come out for this, and if they have the luck of Resident Evil: Afterlife it will make more at the box office than any of its predecessors. Would Rather Watch: An American Werewolf in London, which I’ve always heard is a pretty great werewolf-flick
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The second movie this month that I would like to check out. I’ve always heard fantastic things about the book by Jonathon Safron Foer. This film looks like it could be pretty great, but has gotten very mixed reviews so far sitting rather rotten. Looks like a tear-fest but with an interesting story I wouldn’t mind shedding a few.
The Grey
Another movie that doesn’t exactly look terrible, but just doesn’t strike me from the trailer. It was the only movie on this list that I had to actually look up because I forgot what it was. This movie seems to be riding off the idea that Liam Neeson kicking ass is usually entertaining in any capacity, and I usually have to agree. Would Rather Re-Watch: Taken
Man on a Ledge
Lindsay liked this movie enough. Check out her review coming soon.
One for the Money
Oh god no, not another Katherine Heigl disaster. This movie is actually based on the first book in a long running series by best-selling author Janet Evanovich following a bounty hunter named Stephanie Plum. I’m pretty much turned off automatically by Heigl, but I have a feeling the target audience of this series probably doesn’t feel the same. Would Rather Re-Watch: Knocked Up, back in the day when Hiegl wasn’t the worst