While the rest of FTS was invading Canada’s TIFF, Will and I were back in Baltimore unleashing our inner nerd at Baltimore Comic Con 2014! Click through to read more about this year’s con.
Baltimore Comic Con is very different than the majority of conventions. Some fans lament the deviation from the big show appeal that larger cities’ Cons receive; falsely believing that the prestige of the limelight, extravagance and exclusive reveals dictate the worth of a show. Baltimore is not San Diego or New York. Posh and chic are certainly not common vocabulary. Opulence isn’t high on the list of valuable traits for this historically blue-collar town. B’more may be rough… ok, very rough around the edges, but our diamonds shine bright and our Comic Con is no different.
The massive displays, movie teasers and first look toy exclusives of the Cons scheduled before it are virtually nonexistent. Show floor noise levels often discourage interaction, ultimately turning normal discourse into an uncomfortable chore. Thankfully, you won’t have that problem here. It’s actually surprisingly quiet. The loudest spot in the convention center might actually be the Geico booth! Geico, why are you here? Put your dubstep away, I already know I can save 15% in 15 minutes. Ah, I digress!
Row after row, creators talk, share and enjoy alongside their fans and prospective readers. It seems more personal, relaxed, less stressful and even less commercialized than similar events. Looking around, it’s rare to see a fan clamoring for autographs of artists or special guests that they don’t know. Even after three days, guests, booth operators and artists don’t appear burned out. Panel hosts and panelists are still fresh, energetic and actively engaging the crowd. Cosplayers who have been here all weekend and changed costumes each day are still smiling (how do they do that? Mom said my face would get stuck!), taking pictures and jovially recounting their wardrobe horror stories. Attendees browsing down Artist Alley respectfully take the time to view each booth or table. Everything from hand drawn originals, prints and posters to clothes, jewelry and statues are available. Despite these items being for sale, you known when you buy directly from the creator that this is not just about money. It’s about sharing the love of a character, a story, the art, a hobby, an obsession for some, but also a great experience.
Baltimore Comic Con embodies the heart of Comic Con: the art, the artists, the writers, the fans and most importantly, appreciation. Without the distracting hum of “buzz”, the understanding and acknowledgement that the event is a celebration of the craft effortlessly permeates the crowd, making this particular event a real gem of Charm City.

Check back tomorrow for part two of our Baltimore Comic Con 2014 coverage featuring our experience at the Boom Studios panel and then again on Wednesday to see the best Cosplay of the con!