Remember: Coffee Break is full of odds and ends I’d like to discuss including films I’m watching, links I like, stuff I’m into and oh yeah, coffee!
Obviously this mug indicates a post all about our trip to Austin, TX! I was hoping to get a mug that was a little more special but I couldn’t really decide on one. I suppose it works out well enough.
Leaving the airport! Fun fact: While running through the airport trying to catch a connecting flight, Jason ran into and knocked over 3 line stanchions.
We’re here! Jason made me take a picture of this lonely beer on the sidewalk exclaiming “But that’s the kind of beer Cohle drinks on True Detective! You have to take a picture of it.” I admired his enthusiasm.
We headed to Walton’s Fancy & Staple for breakfast. We hadn’t really planned out our morning meal options but this seemed like the best fit when we were searching.
Plus, coffee! Jas and I shared some tasty brews, Jason ordered a macchiato with myself opting for just a regular cup of joe. Tasty! The bistro-y style place was fairly packed thanks to a large group that occupied most of the indoor seating area but thankfully it was nice enough to have our food outside.
I was in such a French Toast mood this weekend This Challah French Toast was made with crème brulee batter, it was so scrumptious.
After breakfast we explored. Lots of walking to and from food adventures. I don’t know how everyone stays so fit when there is something delicious everywhere. This bridge was a cute highlight of our walk.
For lunch we went to the Trailer Park & Eatery
I wish Baltimore had a coffee/hot chocolate related food stand.
We ate some grub from Torchy’s Tacos, a food truck that a lot of people recommended to us. Although the tacos were excellent, I don’t know if I would jump to say that they were the best I’ve ever had. Still delicious but slightly hyped.
We headed to another coffee spot and wound up at Cafe Ruckus. Amazing coffee. Definitely the best I had while I was in Austin. I wish I could order it online.
We stopped by the Alamo to snap a picture! Later in the evening we went to see a Master Pancake screening of The Notebook. Master Pancake is a comedy troupe that makes fun of movies while you watch them ala Mystery Science theater. I didn’t know what to expect but I ended up completely loving the experience. It’s not all straightforward jokes but also includes various alterations to the film itself like speeding it up, replacing the music in certain scenes and freeze frames all utilized for comedic effect.
Later in the evening we went out to a few bars. Here we picked up a little BBQ. It was a nice appetizer.
We hit up this barcade that was pretty great. It was a huge space with tons of various games. I beat Jason in foosball because I excel at all of life’s most important and necessary tasks. I loved the in-no-way-intended Social Network reference on the Fact or Crap card. I also have never met a bar jenga set that isn’t crazy about dick related dares.
The Jackalope was a sweet spot. I don’t know if it did any sort of upgrades recently or what but all of the reviews that I read of this place referred to it as a “dive bar” which it most certainly is not. Dive bars in Baltimore offer up a lot more character and creeps.
Easy Tiger took my vote for best named bar. It’s a combo beer garden and bake shop because someone in Austin woke up with the greatest idea ever and ran with it.
After hours, Sixth Street goes crazy. All day I was concerned because I didn’t really feel the whole ‘weird Austin’ thing but when the lights go down, the city wakes the fuck up. Music and people everywhere. Bar hopping was a lot of fun and I picked up my most memorable treat of the trip at Best Wurst. Super simple, heavenly bratwurst.
The next morning Jason and I took in some breakfast at Magnolia Cafe. The place had a very simple, sweet vibe and a super nice waitstaff.
Good coffee & more French Toast.
Jason ate a texmex chicken dish, that was very very yummy. It was a nice cap to our time in Austin.
Full circle. Back at the airport, leaving with coffee in hand.
So thanks Austin! I can’t wait to come back, maybe next year to mark SXSW off my bucket list!
True Detective I’m entranced by this new HBO series from Cary Fukunaga. I wish I could devote even more time to obsessively uncovering hidden clues within the show. If you’re a fan, make sure you check out Robert’s updates over at To The Escape Hatch.
House of Cards: It’s back baby and Mr. Underwood certainly didn’t forget about us. I’m only about halfway through the second season (so no spoilers!) but it feels as good as I remember. I live for the Underwood’s harsh remarks and eye rolls. This second season has me yelling ‘HOLY SHIT!’ and ‘DAMN!’ a lot.
Nightmare Factory doc: If you are also a fan of practical FX and behind the scenes stuff, check out the documentary Nightmare Factory currently available on Netflix Instant Watch. It’s not the most well made doc out there but it covers a considerable amount of information as the story follows Greg Nicotero and his rise in the field. There are tons of amazing stories, footage and guests all for your viewing pleasure.
I’ve been full on David Fincher all month long. Be sure to check out all of the posts so far for David Finchuary!