Hey FTS readers (and listeners?)! I’m here to fill you in on a few changes coming to FTS starting this month and continuing throughout the year. Read about all the new stuff happening on the site after the jump!
Why y’all acting spicious? This is totally a real FTS update! Now the first order of business is a little bittersweet. As most of you reading probably already know, FTS is run by myself and five of my closest friends, all located in Baltimore, Maryland. But as the site grows and demands for content become stronger, the group has been forced to prioritize. After reevaluating what we love about blogging and podcasting, we came up with a few changes. As of October, Nick, Will and Marc won’t be contributing to the FTS blog page, unless something tickles their fancy. If you still long to connect with those amazing FTSers though, do not fear. All three of those guys will still be completely offensive and dependable members of the FTS Podcast.
The departure of the troublesome trio obviously opens up a big hole for contributors but don’t worry, we’ve got that shit covered. I’m very excited to welcome three brand new contributors to FTS for the month of October. Take a peak at the excellent bloggers we’re teaming up with:
Jay Cluitt (of livevsfilm.com) A short while back, Jay went on a crazy and ill advised journey listening to all of the FTS podcasts episodes. I don’t know how, but he made it, and even more surprising, he still wanted to keep in contact with FTS. I’ve become good friends with Jay over the last few months exchanging emails and words via podcasts. He meets three of the biggest criteria for joining FTS: He can put up with our shit, he loves writing lists and he thinks Jurassic Park is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Robert Zerbe (of totheescapehatch.com) Long lost best friend and fellow David Fincher fan, Robert has run one of my favorite blogs for over 2 years now. He enjoys horror movies, beer and everything else good in life. I was delighted when he accepted my offer to write some posts for FTS and I’m pshyced to see what he has in store for us.
Sam Thorne (of many publications!, here’s his twitter @Sams_Reel_View) As fate would have it, Sam contacted me at the same time I was contacting other bloggers. His effort to reach out to FTS proved quite serendipitous. I was impressed by his work and it seemed like we shared a lot of similar views on film. I’m really looking forward to his time here at FTS.
It’s really exciting adding new writers to the crew. I want FTS to continue to grow as a community and I feel that producing quality content is vital to that. You can expect the same relaxed environment here at the site so I hope readers continue to check out our blog.
With our new writers, you can also expect to see some brand new features on the site including another big movie character tournament on it’s way very soon! I may also include posts related to press materials in an effort to supplement movie news here at FTS. I don’t know about you readers but I have never been keen on the idea of running another news site. Unfortunately, as blogs like the Movie Mezzanine have recently pointed out, running news on a film website is almost imperative to it’s growth. Hopefully I can find a happy medium in the future.
The last update I have for you today is a quick announcement that has already been mentioned elsewhere on the blogosphere. Coming very soon, I’ll be taking over hosting duties for the official Lamb podcast, The Film Pasture. I’m super jazzed to be joining a show that I’ve been a big an of since it’s inception. I will be interacting with Lambs from all over to help spread the love of film. Special thanks to Lamb Shepard Joel Burman for the opportunity and to previous host with the most Pat McDonnell of 100 Years of Movies. I sincerely appreciate all the hard work both of you have put in on the show so far.
Well that’s it for now folks. Houskeeping is out of the way and I’m looking forward to the new stuff ahead. If you have any questions or concerns for me you can leave it in a comment or feel free to send me an email at lindsay@frenchtoastsunday.com. I always read them but occasionally I have a slow response period depending on how many youtube clips I watch that day.

So what do you think about our new shit? Anything you like or dislike? What do you want to see more of? What can we do to please you? Seriously, LOVE US DAMNIT, LOVE US!