Aww yeah! New year, new you, right? Screw that – new year, new FTS and our site anniversary is just weeks away! Each year, we try to take a look at the state of the site and reevaluate what we would like to change, add, remove or keep up with. 2013 will be no exception, so here’s a little update detailing what loyal FTS readers can expect in the months to come.
We tried out some new post ideas last year and are ready to keep innovating. Most of your favorite features will remain on the site but come out at different times. Lists will be more frequent while larger features like The Gore Report will be now run monthly. Starting next month, you will see new features by yours truly including more behind the scenes stuff, more news and FTS updates and maybe a Google Hangout or two. If you’re good. FTS will also host our first blogathon soon so keep your eyes peeled for it! We also have two podcasts we are currently developing but I won’t release any more info until we I have all the details.
The FTS crew has decided our rating system is due for a revamp. Yes, our crazy little way of rating films is getting a whole new look. Instead of the standard chart detailing our score breakdowns, we’ve developed a tech-savvy graph to help display our numbers. Take a peek at one below:
It's called a polar chart and it's a brand new way for us to display our scores to readers. It's a new visual & interactive approach to our old numbers game and we hope you guys will dig it. You can hover over parts of the graph to reveal how we scored each category out of ten and you can also isolate specific reviewers by clicking on their name, Play around with it and be sure to tell us what you think about it on our next review (or here!)
Oh fuck, right?? Yep, FTS decided that we cannot let the annual tradition die no matter how much work it is. It is a work in progress of course, and the official statement for the fourth annual Scavenger Hunt won't be released until later, but I wanted to let everyone know that FTS is ready for round four. If you don't know what the hell I'm typing about, check out past events here or send me an email at

So what do you think about our new updates? Anything you like or dislike? What do you want to see more of? What can we do to please you? Seriously, LOVE US DAMNIT, LOVE US!