Check out all of the awesome posts that came through during HitchcOctober!
Eric of The Movie Waffler descibed himself as a little obsessed with Hitchcok. Take a look at all of the goodies he has over on his site. | [Hitchcock in Reverse (a look backwards at all of the director’s work)] | [Hitchcock Mosaics (A gallery from London’s Leytonstone tube station)] | [Paperback Covers (A gallery of covers from the old Hitchcock paperback story collections)] | [Director Katt Shea talks Psycho (Director Katt Shea telling us about her favourite movie – Psycho)]
Vicki of Girls Do Film talks about a few of Hitchcock’s classics | [The Birds] | [The Man Who Knew Too Much] | [To Catch A Thief]
Thaddeus of Net-flixation also reviews a couple of film’s from the Master of Suspense’ catalog. | [Rebecca: ] | [The Lady Vanishes: ]
Jay of Life Vs Film went ALL OUT this month reviewing a Hitch movie every day of the month. | [HitchcOctober Final Re-Cap]
Rear Window Timelapse from Jeff Desom on Vimeo.
This video description reads “All footage taken from the original Rear Window (1954) directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The order of events is pretty much as seen in the movie.” Super cool must-watch. See it above. | [Rear Window Timelapse from Jeff Desom]

Sara: [Trope Talk: Expectations and Vertigo – When Tropes Trip Us Up]
Rob: [What’s The Deal? Rear Window (1954)] | [What’s the Deal? The Birds] | [What’s the Deal? Vertigo]
Jess: [Review! Hitchcock] | [Best Picture Series: Rebecca (1940)]
Jay: [Jay’s USA Road Trip: Psycho (1960)] | [5 Favorite Things: Rear Window] | [Top 7 Hitchcock Villains] | [Top 5 Hitchcock Cameos]
Nick: [Versus The Scarecrow: Eps 17 Part 2: Rope (1948)]