Woo-Jin Lee from Oldboy vs. Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this match up, looks at an intense mustache-adorned gangster and one very twisted revenge seeker. Which baddie would be able to pull off his/her villainous scheme? Take a look at our character breakdowns and tell us who you think is the bigger threat.


Woo-Jin Lee from Oldboy

Sometimes the best plans are the ones that take the longest to play out. Forget quick and dirty revenge – Woo-Jin Lee is willing to wait more than 15 years to get back at Oh Dae-su. Worst thing is that his motives are a bit questionable. Okay, that’s not the WORST part of all of this… but let’s just say when your ultimate villiany isn’t locking someone in a room for 15 years, but what happens when he gets out, that is some messed up shit.

Strengths: has the resources, money, connections, and henchmen to carry out very elaborate plans

Weaknesses: his strong family bonds



Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York

Bill’s villainy lies in his political aspirations. He is willing to manipulate and murder to get what he wants and he thoroughly believes what he wants is best for everyone. Though he is a good fighter, he is also a very well-spoken and intelligent man and this is his greatest threat. Bill the Butcher is strong, but has a lot of enemies and is just an ordinary man. He has the perfect combination of attributes to strike fear into his enemies who are against his views.

Strengths: Strong, smart and well-spoken. Excellent knife-throwing abilities.

Weaknesses: Has a lot of enemies. No match for shrapnel.



Which would come out on top? Who should move on in the bracket? You decide!

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