21 Jump Street (2012) Directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Starring: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum and Ice Cube. IMDB says: “A pair of underachieving cops are sent back to a local high school to blend in and bring down a synthetic drug ring.“
21 Jump Street was great. I was genuinely laughing at most scenes. Most of the jokes were immature, but I loved all of them. I haven’t seen a comedy were they made sure to pack this many jokes into the script in years. The story was a great concept for a comedy. It doesn’t make a lot of sense that someone who looks like Channing Tatum would be back in high school, but the movie embraces things like this (and its remake status) in a way that helps you forget about that stuff and just enjoy the movie for what it is.
Speaking of Channing Tatum, he did a really good job with this role. He should really stick to this kind of movie where if you aren’t the best actor it isn’t as noticeable. He seems so out of place in serious movies. This is the first movie I’ve seen him in where I actually liked his character. It probably also didn’t hurt that he ended up being the more likable of the two characters between him and Jonah Hill. As far as unlikely partners go, these two guys really did a fantastic job and seemed like they really get along. That helps out a lot with this buddy movie style film.
21 Jump Street is probably the best non-Indie comedy of the year. If you are looking for a movie that is comedy from start to finish then I would definitely say that you should watch 21 Jump Street. Forget about the remake aspect, this is one of the view movies that doesn’t rely on that to create a fun movie.
Believe it, 21 Jump Street is actually a hilarious comedy and not a dorky rip off of an old 80’s show. In reality, the film is a buddy cop movie of its own, just masqurading as an 80’s knock off to garner some attention. Hill and Tatum are a great pair together in the film, nailing all the physical sight gags as well as their lines. Tatum is especially likable, really stepping up from…well, Step Up. The plot has some minor pitfalls, but takes the film in a direction I wasn’t expecting which I really appreciated. Plus, it’s hard to pick apart a movie when you’re doubled over in laughter. While comedy is one of the most subjective genres out there, 21 Jump Street had Rob and I won over and it seemed like the rest of the audience too.