In Theaters:
Instead of Big Miracle: Planet Earth
I don’t know about our readers, but I sure as hell don’t really care for sappy nature films, especially if they are just glossy dramas infused with phony bologna heroes. My suggestion this week instead of suffering through two hours of Drew Barrymore is taking a look at the absolutely mesmerizing Planet Earth series. Even the most apathetic nature observers will be completely wrapped up in these films and the undeniable allure of this planet we call home. Planet Earth is available for purchase here.
Instead of Chronicle: Cloverfield
Hopefully I’m not alone when I say this, but I am really psyched to see how Chronicle turns out. I have to eagerly anticipate it for the next week so for anyone else in the same boat as me, I suggest you take a look at another fun sci-fi film Cloverfield. The film blends the now popular found footage genre with some really digestible action and suspense. You can check out Cloverfield on Amazon Instant Video.
Instead of The Woman In Black: The Mothman Prophecies
Jess reviewed The Woman In Black and even though she had a few nice things to note, overall she found it to be a little bit generic. If you’re looking for an interesting supernatural thriller to watch at home, take a look at the 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies. Starring Richard Gere and directed by Mark Pellington, (Arlington Road) Mothman is a twisty tale about a mysterious figure known as the Mothman and the strange, horrific happenings surrounding it. The movie starts out with smart subtle terror and slowly creeps into possible mind-fuck territory. Watch The Mothman Prophecies now on Netflix Instant Watch.
The Best on DVD & Blu Ray:
Movies out on Blu Ray and DVD this week include the entertaining comedy A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas and well received documentary Project Nim but my choice for what to watch this week is the Roland Emmerich melodrama Anonymous. The film plays with the theory that the real man we know as Shakespeare didn’t actually pen any of the immensely famous literary works claimed to be his. While the movie doesn’t exactly do a stellar job providing facts to support the theory, it works well as a big budget soap opera. It also sparked a lot of research on my part after the film so I could find out more on the theory. Any movie that has me invested enough to do a little internet research is alright in my book.
Netflix Instant Watch Pick of the Week:
Double Feature: Troll 2 & Best Worst Movie
Have you heard of Troll 2? Have you seen this clip floating around the internet? Well, if you are unfortunate enough to not have had a little Troll 2 in your life, today is your lucky day. The movie has become a cult phenomena because it’s the definition of so bad it’s good. Everything in the film is so abysmal: the acting, direction, script,…absolutely everything, that it is impossible to take seriously. The next time you have a group together go ahead and show a screening of Troll 2 . If someone in the group doesnt fall in love, well, consider knocking them down to your “acquaintances” circle.
Troll 2 Netflix Synopsis: When young Joshua Waits and his family vacation in the remote town of Nilbog, the strange townspeople eagerly offer the Waits the local cuisine. But behind the enthusiastic hospitality lies a sinister motive — and only Joshua knows the awful truth.
Once you’ve gotten your Troll 2 on, continue the fix by watching the documentary that takes a look at the film and it’s eventual cult status. This doc is great for fans and potential fans alike. In fact, I inexplicably watched Best Worst Movie before I actually watched Troll 2 but fell in love with both just the same.
Best Worst Movie Netflix Synopsis: Most people don’t set out to produce a horrible film, so how exactly does it happen? This documentary about 1989’s Troll 2 — often referred to as the “worst movie in history” — attempts to answer that question. Director Michael Stephenson, who, as a child, starred in the ill-advised horror flick, delves into how an Italian filmmaker, some unwitting actors and a dentist-turned-cult movie icon joined forces to spawn this dubious achievement.
What do you plan on watching this week, at home or otherwise? What do you think of my choices?