I digress. 2012 is going to be a blast for FTS. There are going to be a lot of new features on the site and new avenues we want to delve into. In order to accommodate all of the changes and exciting new things happening, we decided that the first big step in that direction would be a brand new site! Now, hold your horses people, we aren’t going anywhere…well not for you guys. We are moving the blog from blogger to a self hosted wordpress site! That’s right, now I can finally have the unbelievable design capabilities my ADD has always wanted, as well as run the site with more freedom. Our URLs, name and links will stay the same so there won’t be much to worry about but be kind to us when we launch the new site by stopping by and taking a look. Oh, and you will see it next week!! *eee! I’m so excited*
Like I said, plenty of great content will be showing up in the weeks to come so keep an eye out and give us any feedback you have. We also really love promoting other sites and keeping a friendly blogging community alive, so if you want to trade banners or links for the new site layout, don’t hesitate to email me at lindsay@frenchtoastsunday.com and we will make beautiful music together…by trading stuff.
Last but not least, anyone in the Baltimore-ish area should start to get excited for the FTS annual event that’s only like 5 months away….Scav Hunt 2012 is coming! And we have a killer theme this year. It’s going to be legen- wait for it!…
*Bonus: The picture above is a giant hint for this year’s Scav Hunt theme. For fun, try to guess what film the photo is from!