As the end of 2010 wrapped, I still felt that I hadn’t seen all of the movies I had really wanted to, so I made it my mission to catch up on as many as possible before the Oscars. I mean the year of 2010 in movies doesn’t officially end until the Best Picture is awarded anyway! Here’s my opinions on some movies you might want to rent or skip from last year.
Films Not Nominated:
This movie was definitely different than I thought that it would be, mostly because there was a great amount of animation in it. Throughout the film animation sequences are interjected to illustrate the poem “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg. While on one hand it was helpful to the understanding of the poem, it was also slightly off-putting because it takes you out of the story. It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be, but that might just be because I was taken off-guard. It was by no means a bad movie, and was certainly interesting with another fantastic performance by James Franco. Also weird fact: Franco portrays Allen Ginsberg, who was previously portrayed by David Cross in I’m Not There. Obviously very different levels of attraction there.Verdict: Only bother to rent if you’re open to a slightly abstract story-telling method
Love and Other Drugs
I went into this movie thinking it would either be a normal cliche sort of love story, or a film going for the easy cry card because of the Parkinson’s disease aspect. However, this movie really surprised me. I am all heart eyes with Jake Gylenhaal from the beginning so obviously that gives it an edge up, but Anne Hathaway really has an excellent performance. This movie fleshes out their romance so that you actually get why they would fall for each other. The relationship seemed really realistic and natural, and the sex/nudity was not gratuitous (even though there was plenty of it). The disease aspect was really emotional to watch but done in a way that didn’t seem like the director or cast were trying too hard to evoke an emotion.Verdict: Great rental if you’re in the mood for a rom-com-dram.

I thought this movie was great! It was a really fun story, with a hilarious script, and an adorable romance. Jim Carrey had a perfect performance and really sucked me into the movie. Ewan McGregor was charming as usual, and they had more chemistry than I’ve seen between plenty of opposite-sex costars. I wish that it was able to get a wide release because I think it’s a gem from 2010. This movie had me entertained from start to finish, including belting out laughter, a few “Awww”s, and even a short cry! Verdict: Rent! Rent! Rent! (if you’re not a homophobic prick)
I thought this movie was extremely well done. Despite being in a singular location it kept my attention at all times. If there is one thing this movie is, it’s tense. I was freaking out at so many parts, up to the very end. Ryan Reynolds was great in it, but then again I am never disappointed by that dreamboat. Maybe a few times there were some slight cliches, but overall it was an intense little movie. Verdict: Definitely a great watch, rent just to see how they keep Ryan in a box for an entire movie!
Films Nominated for Best Picture:
The Kids Are All Right
So, as a family drama-com this movie was great. It had all of the right elements and was a decent watch. However, I have two gripes. I had the impression that this was a great portrayal of gay marriage and I would definitely not agree. This family was really dysfunctional and if someone homophobic watched it they’d probably be like “see I was right” because everyone in this family was miserable. I guess the positive is that a movie about a same-sex headed household could be so well received and maybe I just had the wrong mindset going into it. Also, the fact that this movie got a nom for Best Picture over Blue Valentine is just wrong. I really hope Annette Benning doesn’t win over Natalie Portman. Verdict: Decent rental, but nothing to worry about

I really wanted to think this movie was over-hyped after watching it myself. But, alas, it would be impossible to play off how fantastic this film was. This film is beautiful and emotional and funny and moving. Colin Firth is perfection in this role and has fantastic supporting characters behind him. Definitely one of my favorite films from 2010. Verdict: Could not recommend more.

I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this movie as much as I did. I tend to think sports movies have a cheese factor to them, but this movie stuck to its dramatic elements. I got into the story and was rooting for Micky Ward while freaking out in my seat during every fight. While Marc Wahlberg does fine in his role, the stand out performances are definitely in the supporting cast. I was impressed by everyone in the movie and the way it was able to draw me in. Verdict: Rental that I think most people would universally enjoy. Has the subject matter that would appeal to a wide audience with the substance that the critical movie watchers amongst us will most likely appreciate
Toy Story 3
Definitely a cute movie and good on all accounts. It has a great sense of nostalgia attached to it. Very sweet moments and a plot that was a bit on the sinister side, but don’t all Pixar films have some very adult themes? I think that’s what makes people appreciate them so much. Verdict: Great kid’s movie, and also beloved by those who were kids when the first film came out
Winter’s Bone
This movie had two things working for it the entire time. One was Jennifer Lawrence who gave an impeccable performance as Ree. She embodied this character and made you care. Behind Natalie, I thought she had the strongest lead female performance of 2010. The other was the sense of impending trouble that kept a very tense tone throughout. I couldn’t help being curious about this group of people and what the back story was of the area. I wanted to know more! Leaving you on the outs does work for the story, as you are never completely let in to this tight knit clan. You never fully understand the complexity of the story but it is perfect. Verdict: Rent
Have a great time watching the Oscars! I know the FTS crew will and stay tune for our podcast!