FTS takes a look at some of our favorite web stuff for each of the 10 best picture nominees for this years Oscar hopefuls check out our links as FTS Linkage points you in the direction of some interesting articles/pictures/videos/websites/etc
The Social Network
(My personal favorite linkage collection!)

Will the read Marc Zuckerberg please stand up? Watch SNL host Jesse Eisenberg have an awkward encounter with a few other Marc Zuckerbergs.

More fact or fiction for The Social Network. This is a really great article from slashfilm that helps to sort out what is real and what is fabricated in the film

David Fincher: The Complex Mind of ‘Social Network’s’ Anti-Social Director:  This is a great article on Fincher from The Hollywood Reporter, detailing how Fincher handles his films and press.

How the Winklevi were filmed.  One of the most amazing visual feats in the film is the CGI face rendering on the “twins” in the film. Watch and read, it’s awesome

I can’t wait to stand over your shoulder and watch you buy us a keg. The bros over at atomic put together a really well done parody trailer of The Social Network, inspiring us all to be a little bro.