Directed by William Gluck
Starring: Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, Stanley Tucchi and Patricia Clarkson
Easy A (2010)
What’s It About?
Easy A is somewhat of a modern retelling of the Scarlett Letter. Emma Stone plays Olive, a smart and compassionate high school-er, with average popularity. But things get scandalous when Olive starts helping other students by pretending to “get it on” with them.
What We Thought:
Jess: This film was a fun teen comedy that really was able to showcase the talent of Emma Stone. She truly shines on camera and has a gift for comedic acting. The story is not as basic as the trailer suggests, and was a cool twist on The Scarlet Letter story line. There are a couple of nice performances from other characters, especially Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson. Overall, it was very enjoyable and definitely has a few part you can continue laughing about after leaving the theater.
Lindsay: I agree with Jess that Emma Stone was really a delight to watch. She is fantastic here and shows her chops as a charming lead. The supporting cast should not go without mention. Notably Tucci and Thomas Hayden Church add really nice additions to the film. It should also be noted that this film does not feel the need to dumb down its jokes for the target audience, and therefore gives the film’s humor a good sense of range. The only thing I think this film was lacking was a real connection between the main love interests. I just felt they don’t give the audience any real time to even care for the relationship, other than Olive deserving it. A few steps away from making it a real High School Movie Classic.

61-89% =
Really enjoyable movie. It may not be perfect in all aspects but it was worth the watch.