Pointing you in the direction of some of the day’s most interesting articles/pictures/videos/websites/etc
This is just for the cuteness factor. Robert Downey Jr (an FTS fav), Zach Galifianakis (perhaps the most desired comedic actor at the moment), and of course the flea collared dog set to star in Due Date out November 5 are on this new poster. Still interested to see how this will compare with the massive success of The Hangover. LOOK: Due Date
FTS has been known to skip those movies that you just know are going to be shit. However, the guy who runs this site watches them all. His about page says that he “is an emotionally wounded cinephile who lives in the United States. He watches bad movies so you don’t have to.” His rating system is out of four stars, 1 star meaning lousy and 4 stars meaning traumatic. VISIT: The Movie Masochist
Next Thursday, FTS will be checking out the midnight premiere of The Last Exorcism. This viral marketing campaign is actually pretty funny compared to all the freaky commercials and trailers. Combining the internet sensation Chatroulette (or Chatsofast if you are on a certain guilty pleasure Canadian tv show) with the scary image of a possessed girl has hilarious results. WATCH: The Last Exorcism: Best of Chatroulette Reactions
Everyone loves some leaked goodies, and even better this one is legal! Apparently this memo of Paramount’s upcoming projects was leaked this week. Some sequels are in the works for GI Joe, Star Trek, and …Zoolander?(!!!) as well as some new projects that have looked promising like World War Z, Young Adult (another Reitman/Cody match up) and, uh, Baywatch. READ: Paramount Slate Exposed