The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. Trunchbull from Matilda vs. Agent Smith from The...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Ne...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York vs. Amon...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. Norman Bates from Psycho vs. Max Cady from Cape ...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this second round match up, the competition s...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this round 2 match up, we are dealing with tw...
It's round two and the Ultimate Movie Villain Tournament continues! This match up pits Tarantino winner Hans Landa against bond villain winner Jaws. Which ba...
The first round of victories for The Ultimate Villain Tournament are cemented. There are just a few days left to vote on the latest battles. Take a look at th...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this las match up of the first round, we pair...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this match up, we look at two very notable vi...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this match up, a young girl and a pedophile f...
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. In this match up, we pair up two villains you ma...