The Coen brothers have many defining aspects to their movies, one of which is their use of character actors, many of whom enjoy working with the brothers so...
Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the month of March with our first directing duo Joel and Ethan ...
Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at F...
Edgar Wright's first well-received feature was 2004's zom-rom-com Shaun of the Dead, which surprised an awful lot of people (myself included) by being actuall...
Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at F...
Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at ...
Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the loving month of February with director Edgar Wright! See ho...
While Heat might be Michael Mann's most prominent work, The Insider is easily his best regarded. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Pict...
“… Mrs. Jacoby, do you see?”
Everyone knows that old walnut of wisdom: Never judge a book by its cover. You’ve probably been told that time and time again by...