Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the month of July with the hit-maker James Cameron! See how yo...
Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at...
Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the month of June with the visionary Terry Gilliam! See how you...
In honor of our director of the month, Sofia Coppola, I decided to rewatch a film of hers that I haven't seen since it first came out. It was a pleasant experi...
Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the month of May with our first female director Sofia Coppola! ...
Every month FTS shines the spotlight on one of our favorite directors. This month we celebrate the month of April with the very talented Alfonso Cuaron! See h...
No, I'm not ranking the brothers (I always preferred Joel over Ethan, just because), I'm ranking their movies. The Coens are one of very few directors whose wor...
I'm constantly being bombarded by people telling him "you haven't seen ____? You gotta check it out." Or hearing critics rave "this movie is a classic, a must s...
I'm using this series as a motivation to take a look at all of the Best Picture winners from the past 86 Academy Awards. This may take awhile… In honor of Mar...