Below are 6 of the best random fights in a sports related a movie. This list could have been a lot different if I had included any of the Rocky Films, Karate Kid, Cinderella Man, or any other film that is entirely about fighting. That seemed lame so I didn’t do it. These are fights by people not in the ring, just a couple of dude’s getting it on. Only not in a gay way. Just like grabbing and hurting each other and stuff. Ok you know what, I give up, here’s the list. 6 Awesome Sports Fights in Movies [List by Will]
Happy Gilmore
How can you top Bob Barker throwing down the fisticuffs with Adam Sandler? It’s especially rewarding since Mr. Price is Right pretty much kicks Sandler’s Ass, and he even throws in a little profanity just to spice things up. I think this is both the most out of character and most awesome thing Bob Barker has ever done.
The Replacements
At first I was afraid, shoot I was petrified. Keanu and his bros had a tough game, and they decided to pursue America’s oldest tradition, drowning their sorrows at the local watering hole. All of the sudden, in walks Mr. Hot-Shot pro quarterback to make fun of the deaf guy. It’s clear what has to happen at this point, and so Keanu engages in America’s second oldest tradition, bar fight.
Ok, it is a bowling movie. But hey thats a sport. And the fight between Woody Harrelson and Vanessa Angel is pretty epic. It all starts with a kick to the boys and then it’s on. Spoiler alert, Vanessa wins, but not before Woody gets in a few good punches that demonstrate the elasticity of the mammary glands.
Green Street Hooligans
Talk about a fight. In the final fight of the movie, both groups go all-out in a battle that would make the Crips and Bloods look like the Jets and Sharks. Plenty of blood and pain in this one and not to mention, Elijah Wood plays a bad-ass for once. These Brits know a thing or two about a melee.
The Quiet Man
Alright, It wouldn’t be a list by me if I didn’t include some old-timey John Wayne movie. So check this out. A boxer kills his opponent and then flees to Ireland… only to become married and get into the biggest fight of his life with his brother in law. These guys literally fight throughout the entire town, and the entire town comes out to watch. This fight goes on and on and on.
Talladega Nights
So Ricky Bobby gets into a minor scuff with “pepe la pew” aka Sasha Baron Cohen. All Bobby has to do is admit he loves crepes, but Bobby will not be swayed by reason or fear. And so Sasha does what he must and breaks Ricky Bobbys arm. And to be honest, does anybody not love crepes?