Check out all of the awesome posts that came through during David Lynch. September.!
Wendell of Dell on Movies had a lot to say about Mulholland Drive. | [Mulholland Drive]
Jay of Life Vs Film was quite confused after watching Mulholland Drive. | [Mulholland Drive]
FilmDrunk posted up David Lynch’s ice bucket challenge video (remember when that was a thing?!) and it remains the best video of the bunch. See it above. | [David Lynch Did The Ice Bucket Challenge While Playing ‘Over The Rainbow’ On A Trumpet ]
Indiewire has a in depth video interview with Lynch about his entire career. Click the link to check out the video. | [Watch: David Lynch Discusses TV Vs. Movies, His Career And More In 45-Minute Talk]
Slash Film reported that Twin Peaks is set to come back to Showtime! | [‘Twin Peaks’ Returns; David Lynch to Direct Nine-Episode Series for Showtime] | Also, Twin Peaks writer Mark Frost is writing a book about the show! | [‘Twin Peaks’ Novel From Mark Frost Will Explore 25 Years of Characters’ History]
Slash Film also has a post on the best stuff you can see on the new Twin Peaks blu ray set. | [The Ten Best Deleted Scenes on the ‘Twin Peaks’ Blu-Ray Set]

Proving to be the director’s most noteworthy film, the FTS podcast crew appropriately selected Mulholland Drive for September’s mini episode. The usual crew was joined by FTS B-Squad member Jay Cluitt to sort through the goregous mess. [FTS Podcast Episode 209: Minisode – Mulholland Drive]
Sara focused on the same film and gave a detailed look back at her own personal experience with the film. [Mulholland Drive: An Uneasy Reflection of a Far-From-Easy Film]
Jess braved bold waters and dove right into one of Lynch’s moste challenging films – Inland Empire. See what left her feeling bewildered at the end of her journey. [10 Head-Scratching Moments in Inland Empire]
Jay explains his frustration with strange films and how David Lynch makes his way into the equation. [David Lynch, and Why I Hate Weird Movies]