In honor of Wes AnderMarch and The Grand Budapest Hotel opening this month I’ve put together a 5GB on Mr. Wes Anderson. So go on, read it! If you have any great bits on Wes let us know in the comments!
5. Moonrise Kingdom Set Tour by Bill Murray
This video – a tour of part of the Moonrise Kingdom set by Bill Murray – actually has very little to do with Wes Anderson, other than the fact that it concerns a film he made. But I absolutely love Bill Murray in it. He was probably a little drunk when they filmed it (he does actually admit that he’s been drinking rum) and there’s something a little off about his voice – maybe he was really tired – but it’s fantastic. He mentions that Edward Norton does a lot of “psycho” work. Brilliant. He talks about his pants. Wonderful. I can’t wait to see you in The Grand Budapest Hotel, Billy.
4. The Wes Anderson Collection (via JoBlo)
Check out this book that Matt Zoller Seitz has done – it’s essentially a giant compendium of all things Wes Anderson. I’ve actually held this book in my own hands and I can attest that it’s pretty amazing. If you’re so inclined to purchase it, do so here .
3. Animated Version of The Grand Budapest Hotel (via Nerdist)
Okay, so, supposedly, there’s an animated version of Grand Budapest out there, somewhere, maybe. It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that Wes Anderson would go to the extra trouble of turning his storyboards into a cartoon and lending his voice to all the characters. When might we see this treasure? Never? Maybe on the Blu-ray? Time will tell. But it’s cool to know that it’s out there.
2. Wes Anderson’s “My Life, My Card” Commercial
Old school! This is an older commercial that Wes Anderson did that’s essentially spoofing Wes Anderson films, complete with Jason Schwartzman. I love his “Are those my birds?” line. The fact that Anderson did this might actually make our next entry something he may consider eventually…
1. The Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders
Yes. You know you all want a horror movie made by Wes Anderson. Admit it. Killers with short pants, a killer cartoon rat, why not? Owen Wilson would be great in another horror movie but I’d take Edward Norton AS Owen Wilson any day.