Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at French Toast Sunday, we want to give you guys a little something extra for your movie experience. Enjoy and movie-drink responsibly!

Fight Club tells the story of an insomniac and a nihilist as they try to deal with life in their own unique ways. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt star in David Fincher’s adaptation of the cult classic Chuck Palahniuk novel. GOOD LUCK!

Suggested drink: Liquor that comes in a plastic bottle

• Anytime someone is punched in the face
• Whenever the Narrator describes a person or their attire
• Every time Tyler gives the Narrator a life lesson
• Every time glass is broken
• Anytime something is thrown

• When the lye is burning the Narrator’s hand

Take a shot:
• When a named character dies


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