Happy International Star Wars Day!! The day is here for us to celebrate the magic and excitement of Star Wars! For the last five weeks, we’ve been releasing fun drinking games and delicious beer recommendations for those games, but, alas, our time has come to a close. But don’t cry, our love for Star Wars and these drinking games will carry on a long, long time from now to galaxies far, far away. But to be honest, I highly doubt society will advance to the point where intergalactic travel is commonplace. We haven’t even discovered all surfaces of the earth yet, so what makes the human race remotely capable of exploring space to such detailed lengths? Granted, this could be thousands of years from now, but even then, will Star Wars be around remembered? If it is, bet it’ll be remade 2 or 3 times in that time frame by people with different visions and ambitions for their remakes. Maybe they pull a Gus Van Sant and do shot-for-shot remakes of the films. OR the entire thing is done like a found footage film… I’m rambling with no real depth or course of purpose so I will say this: Happy International Star Wars Day and as a contribution to the celebration, here is The Star Wars Episode Six: Return of the Jedi FTS Drinking Game. May the Force be with you… Always.
– Someone says “Lando”
– That creepy rat thing that belongs to Jabba laughs
– Leia Kisses Someone
– Everytime someone falls into the Sarlacc Pit
– A 74-Z Speeder Bike (aka Imperial Speeder Bikes) explodes
– An Ewok blinks
– C-3PO uses a sound effect during his story
– Obi-Wan appears
– Someone says “Jedi”
– Someone says “Dark Side”
-Someone learns that Luke has a twin sister
– “It’s a trap!”
– Lightsabers are drawn
– Each planet featured in the previous films is shown during the Celebration Montage.
Chug Your Beer For The Duration Of:
– Hans release from his Carbonite Prison (begin when he turns red, stop when he falls)
– C-3PO’s flight over the Ewoks
– Leader Check-In on the final offensive against the Death Star
– Vader saving Luke from Darth Sidious (aka Nooooooooo! Pt. 2)
Instead of Drinking, Take A Shot When:
– “It’s a trap!
– When someone learns that Luke has a twin sister
Take A Shot:
– RIP Yoda
– PAYBACK! (When Vader re-loses his hand)
(Take this shot using the hand Vader did not lose.
When playing SITH RULES, we recommend Absolut Vodka, because only a sith deals in absolutes.

If you ask, most people will say that the Star Wars movies are some of the best ever made. The story is timeless and has been enjoyed by numerous viewers over the past 36 years. Many people have differing views on which of the movies is the best in the series, but most would agree that Return of the Jedi is one of the best movies out there. To match the level of Jedi, I have chosen a beer that is near perfect. Rochefort 10 is a Trappist beer from Rochefort, Belgium. Trappist beers are brewed by monks to help generate income for their monasteries. They take this job seriously. Rochefort 10 is the top beer that the Rochefort monks brew. It is a quadruple style beer, so it is very heavy. It clocks in at 11.3% ABV and is loaded with flavors of dark candied fruit and an almost wine like quality. Watching Return of the Jedi is an unforgettable experience and Rochefort 10 is the beer equivalent of that.