Lindsay appeared on the very first official Google Hangout for The Large Association for Movie Blogs. With little prep work, Lindsay and Lamb Shepard Joel discussed recent Lamb activities and films they watch recently. Check it out and leave some feedback.
Lindsay joined Joel from Deny Everything who runs The Large Association for Movie Blogs for LAMB Hangout #1 (the one that we didn’t prepare to much). Here’s a small rundown:
- General LAMB news (new LAMBforums interface, #massHERD sundays and Lions 4 LAMBs)
- Intro to French Toast Sunday
- Movie and TV-discussion (House of Cards, Zero Dark Thirty, Hitchcock, Hit and Run, Side Effects (possible spoilers), Safety Not Guaranteed and Shallow Grave.
- You can watch the Hangout on Youtube here.
- You can comment on it here.
- And you can learn more about it on The Lamb here.