Here’s a few behind the scenes photos from December and January showing off what FTS has been up to. Take a look.
FTS X-Mas Party!
This year the group gathered for a little Christmas party to hang out and celebrate the holiday. Nick suggested we all buy the worst DVDs we could find for less than $5 and do a gift exchange. Somehow WunderKlaus and I ended up with the only two children’s movies of the bunch (-_-) Here’s what everyone else got:

And here’s some group photos we tried to take.
FTS T-Shirt Swag!
Our friends over at made us an awesome new FTS shirt. The company was really fast with the order and friendly to work with which, for anyone that has ever went through the hassle of ordering custom Tees know, is a rare find. Check out the beautiful work they did and be sure to keep them in mind if you ever need some custom t-shirts!

FTS Contest Winnings!
Also from January, Film Actually blog runner Shane ran a contest for picking the Oscar Nominations. I participated along with a bunch of other bloggers and took a stab at who I expected to get the coveted nominations. I watched the announcement live and was so surprised by some of the Academy’s choices that I was sure I was no where near a winning score in the contest. But lo and behold a few hours later Shane contacted me with the contest results and I had won! I was pretty jazzed about the win and also the prize: A $25 Amazon gift card! I took the opportunity to purchase some goodies that had been sitting in my wishlist. Take a look at what I bought:

This is my David Fincher fun pack. The shirt is a nod to the one worn by Lisbeth Salander in Fincher’s version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I’m stoke to own it but uncertain as to when I will ever be able to wear it in public. That’s okay, I don’t get out much. The blu ray is obviously The Social Network, a film I’m obsessed with. I don’t buy blu rays very often but this was one I have been dying to pick up. The day it came in I watched all of the special features including the super cool documentary on the making of the film. Awesome stuff for any Fincher fan.
Well, that’s it for now. Let us know if you liked our behind the scenes post and we’ll be sure to keep ’em coming!