Mettel Ray has a beautiful film site and started this blogathon. At first you think, oh this is easy enough. Just name an actor, director, movie, etc for each letter. Some, like Q are incredibly easy, but most of them were difficult to pinpoint one exact choice for the letter. This list is pretty representative of my movie taste, but there’s so much more that could’ve been included. Hard as it was to narrow down my choices, this blogathon is easy to participate in. Check out the other lists here and submit your own before the end of the year.

This is one of my favorite teen romance/high school movies because it’s actually smart if cliche and has some stand out moments. Heath Ledger singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” will forever be the sweetest thing ever to me. I used to think Julia Stiles was the coolest, and it also has young Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

This is my homegirl. She’s gorgeous, sweet, and with witty chops to boot. Holly Golightly is her classic character, but I love her in Charade and Roman Holiday just as much.

The other Brad should probably be in this spot, but Cooper edged him out because his role as Pat in Silver Linings Playbook might just be my favorite performance of this year. He astounded me.

This guy mesmerizes me no matter what the part he’s playing. It might just be those crazy expressive eyes, but Murphy is such a unique actor that I’m very drawn to him. Heck, his scene at the end of Inception with the toy windmill chokes me up every time I watch it.

I’m using this film to represent Martin Scorsese, because after watching it I decided that I want to watch everything that man has ever done. Somehow my film watching had only covered a few of his movies, but I’m diligently working through his filmography. The Departed is a perfect film to me and I could watch it over and over.

One of my favorite romances, this film blends the genre with science fiction elements perfectly. It’s a greatly original film featuring superb, emotionally evocative performances from Jim Carrey & Kate Winslet.

Everything Fincher touches is golden to me (even Benjamin Button which I enjoyed the least but still think is great). He was robbed when The Social Network didn’t take home Best Director/Picture.

Speaking of Finch, Peck’s brilliant turn as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite performances of all time. Not to mention, Peck is my favorite of the handsome classic actors and my favorite romantic pairing to Hepburn in Roman Holiday.

He directed and/or wrote some of the films that impacted me the most growing up. The Breakfast Club is still one of my favorite movies ever, and probably the best examination of adolescence put to screen.

Despite being a complete bitch when it comes to horror, I love the genre. Yeah, I’ll get nightmares if I can even get to sleep but I love the adrenaline rush of a good scare. This movie was one of the best in recent years and maybe my scariest experience watching a scary movie in theaters.

He makes the list for simply being my longest running celebrity crush since seeing him in Donnie Darko. He’s also a great actor in the right role and fun because he’s willing to take on any genre.

I saw this movie when I was too young and it has stayed with me ever since.

One of the most interesting female characters put to screen (and page). I think Noomi Rapace was excellent in the Swedish version, but Rooney Mara’s interpretation in the American version is my favorite. I could watch that character endlessly.

One of my most recent favorite actors and incredibly handsome to boot. He is fantastic in everything and brings a very personal feeling to every character he plays.

And one of the my longest running favorite actors. Even as a kid, watching him in The Shining, A Few Good Men, and As Good As It Gets, I could recognize his talent before I really paid much attention to things like that. My respect for him grows every time I watch another film of his.

Unfortunately my only foreign film to make this list, it’s one of the best. The story is horrifying and the action is exciting. Everything about this film is well executed and gives you a gutsy ending that leaves you unsettled.

Squeaking this into the list to cover my butt. Steven Soderbergh is one of my favorite directors, and this is the pseudonym he uses in credits for cinematographer since he does it himself. Of course, that’s also one of the aspects of his films that I appreciate the most. Whether it’s a sick action sequence or government officials handling an epidemic, he makes it look beautiful.


My favorite Hitchcock and one of my favorite films ever. I’ve watched this film too many times to count and its atmospheric beauty affects me every time.

I can’t help getting pumped every time I watch this and it shows how original movies can still be… even if it is based on a comic book that is heavily based on video games. It’s that good.

Best worst movie.

Two of my other favorite female characters are Beatrix Kiddo and Mia Wallace. Sure, those characters get a lot of QT credit, but Thurman  is a magnetic force on screen.

Some of the funniest movies ever (forget about Europe and you’re good). The Griswald’s are possibly the best movie family ever.

I consider this to be the best romantic comedy ever. Meg Ryan is fabulous and Billy Crystal is far off from the goon who hosted the Oscars last year. It’s one of the most believable romances with a great script that’s held up so well.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say this choice was for a lack of a better option. However it does star Fassbender, James McAvoy, and Jennifer Lawrence. And Kevin Bacon, you must never forget him.

Grease is absolutely my favorite musical. I know every word to every song in that movie.

He wrote and directed Garden State, the perfect indie gem. Do more of that please.

…and that was My Movie Alphabet. Let me know what you think of my choices and definitely participate in Mettel Ray’s blogathon if you haven’t already.