Since forever, I’ve wanted to incorporate a more personal touch on French Toast Sunday. I mean, I love lists and reviews as much as the next guy/gal, but I’d love to share a few more personal notes with our readers. In an effort to do so, I want to introduce a few “Behind the Scenes” photos and stories from random events FTS participates in. Because all six of us live in the same city, we have the added benefit of hanging out IRL, something a lot of other film bloggers aren’t as lucky to share. So if you’re interested, check out a few of our updates from October and November.
FTS meets blogger Tom Clift
Recently, Australian film blogger Tom Clift ventured on a journey across North America, meeting other film fans and attending tons of festivals. Basically, everyone at FTS is tremendously jealous. But Tom was nice enough to take us up on an offer to come visit in Baltimore and we shared a few drinks with him over the course of a weekend. Below are some photos I’ve stolen from Tom with a few brief anecdotes from the weekend.

We stayed out of the touristy areas of Baltimore and instead opted to take Tom to some bars in the Fells Point area.
Alexander’s Pub was voted the best bar for a designated driver because of it’s various games available like Wii Sports, pool and shuffleboard.
Obviously Tom only likes to take solo photos of people who wear glasses.
The next day we stopped at our favorite breakfast place to eat a delicious meal. Tom picked the classic “Marylander” which came with eggs, sausage, ham, home fries, toast and Tom’s choice: French Toast (on Sunday!) He ate EVERY last bite. A true champion.
I know I speak for all of us when I say we had a blast connecting with Tom. Thanks again for hanging out, Tom!

FTS Halloween Party
Halloween is the best holiday. When you’re a kid, you get to dress us as anything you want, make a sweet costume and demand candy from strangers. As an adult, you get to dole out your own candy justice and have parties where you demand your friends dress up as something cool.

From left to right: Jess as Janet Snakehole, Rob as Burt Macklin, Nick as Charlie Brown, Will as a zombie, Me as Jesse Pinkman and Marc as… a graduate from Jedi school…or something like that.
“I’m Janet Snakehole. I’m a very rich widow with a terrible secret. And who are you?”
“Bert Mackelin, FBI. I was the best damn agent they had until I was framed for a crime I didn’t commit: Stealing the President’s… Rubies. Now I work alone.”
“Hey! I got an invitation to a Halloween party! *dances happily*

FTS Blanket Fort Party
Every now and then, we will come up with an idea that’s totally out of the blue. I’m pretty sure this started as a joke but a few nerf guns and Christmas lights later, we built a blanket fort. Yes, six grown adults dressed in pajamas, then planned and constructed a fort made out of bedding supplies. Take a look.

Welcome to #FTSfort!
Here’s a view from a far of some of the other FTSers checking out the tv, probably surfing youtube.
Nick claimed this spot early in the evening.
Will is in charge of the youtube search. Help us.
Here’s a pic of honorary FTS member Jason aka Wunderklaus.
Rob was pretty tired after he dived in and out of the fort for thirty minutes.
Here’s a great bird’s eye view of the main fort room.
We played the new Clue board game while watching Clue on Netflix instant watch. I was really pissed because there are all these new rules that totally fuck with my strategy. Sour grapes.
Later in the night, we took turns playing Slender in the dark. Jess and Rob did great and Nick mostly watched from under the covers. Oh! And check out Special Guest Dave in the right corner there.

Well, that’s it for now. Let us know if you liked our behind the scenes post and we’ll be sure to keep ’em coming!