Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at French Toast Sunday, we want to give you guys a little something extra for your movie experience. Enjoy and movie-drink responsibly!

Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back Drinking Game*

Take a drink…

  • When anyone mentions of Morris Day & The Time
  • When anyone rips on Miramax
  • Farts/Ass Jokes
  • Anytime Jay says “Bong!”
  • Anytime there’s drug use
  • Any allusion to another Kevin Smith Film

Take a shot…

  • For celebrity cameos
  • Anytime the characters look directly into the camera

Chug your drink…

  • During Jay’s “Clit” rant.

The “Alcohol poisoning is for pussies!” extreme edition…

  • Take a drink every time the word “fuck” is said in its various forms (fucker, fucking, fucks, mother-fuck, you get it)
  • Reenact the opening scene of the movie. If you mess it up, chug your drink.
