Welcome to the newest FTS feature that brings you a bi-weekly helping of all things horror. If you are looking for things that go bump, bite and boo be sure to click through. Read all about the latest horror news, see new trailers, and read what other bloggers are talking about.
Coming soon to theaters: Ouija the movie! No genre is safe from the dreaded toy to film adaptation. When info was leaked a while back about the film’s possible production I remember not long after it was back in the ‘NO” pile. But I guess the folks over at Universal are giving it another go.
Read about the players involved in production of the new film Ouija.
Eli Roth is in the news again after the recent bit broke that he would be directing the vampire/detective story Harker. Word on the street is that Russell Crowe is also attacted to the project but I don’t know much else yet. I’m always interested in what Roth tries on for size so hopefully he can give us a fresh take on an old genre.
Read the rest of the story about Eil Roth’s new film Harker.
Everyone knows that there is an Evil Dead remake currently in the works, right? Ok, well if you didn’t before, now you know and don’t worry, Sam Raimi is alright with it. In a recent interview at San Diego Comic Con, Raimi shed some more light on the new film and revealed that we will definitively not be seeing our boy Ash.
Watch the interview with Sam Raimi on the upcoming Evil Dead remake.
Directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. Starring: Shawn Ashmore, Ashley Bell and Michael Eklund.
Directed by: Ryan Smith. Starring: Steven Strait, Karolina Wydra and Madison Lintz.
That was pretty generic and I’m not sure if we are supposed to assume the group is dead the whole time or not. I mean, I feel like they want us to approach the film as a mystery, but the movie is called ‘After‘ and it seems a little obvious what is going on. Who knows? I might be really off base. On a positive note, I like that imagery of sifting through all the keys with a flashlight. It looks both ominous and mysterious which I’m sure prompted it’s use on the poster for the film.
Directed by: Paco Plaza. Starring: Leticia Dolera, Àlex Monner and Diego Martín.
Confession time! I totally haven’t seen REC 2 despite hearing such wonderful things about it. For whatever reason, it seems to have just slipped away more me. REC 3 looks like fun too, so I will definitely have to look into both of them soon. Horror Trilogy nights are always a good time, so sitting down with these three might be something I schedule in the near future. Anyone out there see all of the REC films (out so far) and if so what are your thought? Do you plan on watching Genesis?
Directed by: Jon Wright. Starring: Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley and Russell Tovey.
A movie about sea monsters and Irish drinkers? Where have you been all my life? This thing has got cult classic written all over it, and I think the review quotes that the trailer uses service that notion well. Fun, drinking and good creature effects sounds like Grabbers might be this year’s Attack the Block. Is it a coincidence that the director of Grabbers name is Joe Wright (a combination of Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish??)
Directed by: Barry Berk. Starring: Lionel Newton, Deon Lotz and Jay Anstey.
Right away the camera work here was throwing me off. I couldn’t tell if it was the actual cinematography or the way the trailer was edited. What drew me back in though was some of the music echoing about in the trailer’s first half. It seemed reminiscent of Fincher’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and that my friends, means two thumbs up in my book. The trailer also plays with some interesting beats of characters and sexual overtones that left me really curious as to how the whole thing would play out. The positives won me over with this one, and I will keep an eye out for the film’s release.
Kloipy Speaks has a lot of photos and reviews over on the site, including a recent review of the Lucky McKee film The Woman. Having just watched the film recently, I think it’s one that can offer up nice bits of discussion afterwards. Kloipy’s got a lot to say on this one so check it out and see if you agree. Read the review for the film The Woman @ Kloipy Speaks.
Silver Emulsion is a site I am new to and I am loving it! The site is brimming with great content and a recent review of Aliens caught me eye. I just rewatched Aliens and had a pretty strong reaction to some things I hadn’t previously rememberd about it. Will has a great review up with a lot of points I agree with. Read the review for Aliens @ Silver Emulsion.
To The Escape Hatch covers a lot of different media and runs a feature called Favorite Scene Friday. A few Fridays ago, Patrick fittingly chose the super silly film Saturday the 14th and explains how little people know about the movie. Read about the film Saturday the 14th @ To The Escape Hatch.
Top 10 Films contributor Daniel Stephens has an excellent write up on the classic Jaws. He discusses how well the film’s ‘unseen’ moments work in creating the terrifying atmosphere and includes loads of great photos to help illustrate the point. Read the write up on Jaws over @ Top 10 Films.
Stories That Really Mattered writer Katie had a recent run in with disappointment after seeing Prometheus citing unanswered questions as one of the film’s biggest no-nos. So after watching Cloverfield, a film she was fully expecting to have the same reaction to, she was surprised that she ended up really enjoying the ride. See if you agree with how she felt about the film. Read the review for Cloverfield @ Stories That Really Mattered.
The Audient is a film blog that focuses more on exploring observations than writing flat out reviews. In one of the author’s recent ponderings, he looks at how information is presented with a film’s story and discusses what should be revealed and when. He uses the 2006 horror film Triangle as his jumping off point. Read thoughts on how information is presented in film over @ The Audient.
Blueprint Review is keeping everyone up to date with their horror festival coverage. The UK based site recently went to the Dead By Dawn Horror Film Festival and has plenty to share! Check out all of the coverage of Dead By Dawn, starting with part one @ Blueprint Review.
Daily Dead has a recipe that is guaranteed to be the coolest thing you’ve seen today. DD contacted the creator of the Evil Dead cake Loura Hodson and she offered up an awesome recipe to make your own edible Necronomicon!! See the cake photos and recipe for the Necronomicon cake @ 2 Daily Dead.
This amazing short is in the news thanks to Fox, who upon seeing it, quickly bought the rights to the project. It’s pretty easy to see why as the short impresses a lot in a little amount of time. There is certainly a lot to run with here and Fox isn’t ruling out the possibility for a franchise. Wow! (also I suppose this isn’t really horror but what are you gonna do about it!)
Send it over to lindsay@frenchtoastsunday.com and I’ll be sure to get to it!