It’s time to get in the spirit of the holidays with a few new Movie Drinking Games. Movie Drinking games are tailored to a specific movie and generally consist of taking a drink or shot every time something is said or shown on screen. Here at French Toast Sunday, we want to give you guys a little something extra for your movie experience. Enjoy and movie-drink responsibly! First up…

Elf Drinking Game*
*Drink with Peppermint Schnapps or Cotton Candy Vodka

Take a drink whenever:

  • Someone says “Buddy”
  • Someone sings
  • Someone gets in a fight
  • Someone doesn’t believe Buddy
  • Buddy eats something gross
  • A fight breaks out
Chug your drink whenever someone says:
  • “SANTA!” 

Bonus Son of a Nutcracker Challenge:

  • Take a shot whenever Buddy sneaks liquor in his coffee
