Directed by Matthew Vaughn, Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Bill Milner
X-Men: First Class (2011) Listen to us talk about this film on our podcast. IMDB says: “In 1962, Charles Xavier starts up a school and later a team, for humans with superhuman abilities. Among them is Erik Lensherr, his best friend… and future archenemy.”
Lindsay: Well once again, I’m here giving you a superhero movie review from the perspective of a non-comic nerd. While I certainly nerd out on all types of things, comics is not one of them. So if you’re looking for a review that’s going to compare the movie’s story line to that of it’s source material, keep looking.
Anyway, let’s talk X-Men First Class. As with any film with an ensemble cast, X-Men director Matthew Vaughn (Kick Ass, Layer Cake) has the difficult task of flowing multiple character arcs together, spanning over various times and locations. As a result, the start of First Class is a lot to take in. However the movie never seems slow, or convoluted. The film transitions well from one character to another and keeps the audience interested at all times. First Class will succeed with audiences because it does a whole lot of right and only a few minor things wrong. The action is spectacular and exciting to watch unfold. But the biggest advantage this superhero film has is it’s cast. Fassenbender as Magneto is likable but cruel. He magnificently balanced the two with such seemingly effortless ease, it’s incredible fun to watch. In addition to Michael Fassenbender, James McAvory turns in an equally hypnotic performance as the super smart ladies man, Xavier. Even the supporting cast including Kevin Bacon, Jenifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult do a great job holding their own. Together the actors elevate the film to be better than your average summer movie eye candy.
As for those “few minor things wrong” I mentioned earlier, it just comes down to a select number of corny lines and silly situations that make the viewer break from the other greatness of the story. Although they are never overt enough to take you out of the film, they may serve as reminder that this is indeed a comic book adaptation. Overall X Men First Class is solid film that is very much an enjoyable theater experience. Check it out!
61-89% Really enjoyable movie. It may not be perfect in all aspects but it was worth the watch.