To celebrate a little bit this Easter, FTS would like to give you a neat little list of fun Easter Eggs in movies. If you don’t know what an Easter Egg is (not the plastic kind with candy) it’s basically a hidden message or inside joke in a movie or DVD. So here’s a few treats:

Escupimos en su Alimento in Anchorman
During the dinner scene in Anchorman where Veronica Corningstone is out to dinner with girlfriends, they briefly reference the sign outside the restarunt to be “Escupimos en su Alimento” which in Spanish means “We spit in your food.”

“555-6969” In Waiting…
In the 2 disc deluxe edition on Waiting…, if you press the left button on scene 3 (disc one) “555-6969”  will appear on the urinal. If you click on that you will get to watch a small bonus scene.


Beginning Disclaimer in Fight Club
This is a pretty well known hidden message for a lot of Fight Club fans. Fincher really wanted to make the FC DVD an extension of the film itself. The message appears right away after the first FBI warning. It states “WARNING” at the top and then reads as a statement from Tyler Durden. Pay attention!


A113 in Pixar and Disney films
There is an inside joke among CalArts animators to put in A113 into all Pixar films and most Disney films.  The joke is a reference to the classroom number they studied in.


Philosophy of Time Travel in Donnie Darko
To watch a deleted scene in Donnie Darko DVD, go to the the special features and select the “Philosophy of Time Travel Book.” Then in Appendix A click the circles in the drawing. BAM, deleted scene!


Pirates Cave in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
This egg is found on the second DVD disc.  To find it, go to “Fly On the Set” and highlight the “Play All” button. Press right twice and select the skeleton’s tooth, then press enter. Then you are treated to a behind the scenes clip of the construction of the pirates’ cave!


Happy Egg Hunting!