5. Captain Duffy Sharp Played by Bruce Willis

Captain Sharp is a police officer on New Penzance Island. He’s one of those very sad Anderson characters; he lives alone in a trailer and he’s having an affair with Laura Bishop (Frances McDormand). He’s able to find a little redemption by saving Sam Shakusky from social services by adopting him. What’s not to love about that?

4. Royal Tenenbaum Played by Gene Hackman

Royal is the patriarch of the Tenenbaum family. After being estranged from his family for many years, Royal cooks up a scheme (it involves claiming he has cancer) to get back into their good graces. Needless to say, it doesn’t go well…at first. He may or may not have died saving the rest of the family from a sinking battleship.

3. Richie Tenenbaum Played by Luke Wilson

Richie may be the saddest Wes Anderson character ever and, as far as I know, he’s the only one to attempt suicide. Well, except for maybe Francis Whitman (Owen Wilson) in The Darjeeling Limited. Once a tennis star, Richie’s sports career essentially ended because of his secret love for his adopted sister, Margot Tenenbaum (Gwyneth Paltrow).

2. Herman Blume Played by Bill Murray

A loveless marriage. Terrible twin sons. He was in the shit in Vietnam. These are some of the things that slowly broke down Rushmore’s Herman Blume. A savvy businessman, Blume strikes up a friendship with Max Fischer. But its tested when they both develop feelings for Rosemary Cross (Olivia Williams). I like Mr. Blume because he’s another one of those sad sack Anderson characters you can’t help but feel sorry for.

1. Steve Zissou Played by Bill Murray

Steve Zissou (Papa Steve as I like to call him) is an adventurer, documentarian, and all-around badass. A leader of men, Zissou uses his research ship, The Belafonte, on his many adventures and projects. Mostly, he’s out to get the mythical Jaguar shark for eating his friend and partner Esteban. Steve is my number one favorite Wes Anderson character because of that big heart underneath his bravado. “I wonder if it remembers me,” he says of the Jaguar shark. I know I will, Papa Steve.


That’s the rest of my list. What did you think? Who’d I forget? Let me know in the comments!


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