We had a great turn out last month with bloggers celebrating Spielberg in July! We separated all the posts that came in by film so find your favorite and get to reading!
Justin of Man I Love Films & The Rambling Ramblers podcast used March Madness bracketology to rank Spielberg films with his show cohosts in what some people are referring to as “the most important podcast ever put together about Spielberg.” Well, Justin said that but you get it. | [EPISODE 29: THE SPIELBRACKET]
James M of Not Always Movie Reviews from James Anymore notes Spielberg as one of his favorite directors and lists his favorite films from the director’s expansive filmography. | [My Favorite Directors: Steven Spielberg- October 2013]
Elwood Jones of From the Depths of DVD Hell highlighted a selection of less discussed Spielberg movie moments that he feels are just as interesting as the director’s bigger, memorable scenes. | [Top 6 Underrated Spielberg Moments]
Sofia of Film Flare was super hyped to talk about the films that made her list of Spielberg’s best films. | [Spielberg in July: Director’s Top 9]
Sara of RedHead at the Movies & French Toast Sunday used Spielberg’s prosperous career as a jumping off point to discuss what makes a good summer blockbuster. | [Trope Talk: Summer, Spielberg and Success— Exploring What Makes a “Good” Blockbuster]
The Gang at French Toast Sunday used episode 60 of the FTS podcast to talk all about their favorite Steven Spielberg films. | [FTS Podcast Episode 60 – Steven Spielberg Films]
Wendell of Dell on Movies wrote a review of War Horse. | Here’s a quote “If you can’t tell, War Horse is nearly two and a half hours of manipulating you to make liberal use of the tissue of your choice. The story is well-told, as is most of Spielberg’s work. However, the cheese is piled so thick it makes his last Indiana Jones movie look edgy by comparison.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee wrote a review of War Horse. | Here’s a quote “The overall tone of the film is one of majesty – one where every shot and musical note are designed to evoke something grand.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Also, check out The Matineecast episode 50 where Ryan talks all about the film with his guest Jake Cole of Not Just Movies. | [Episode 50]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of War Horse. | Here’s a quote “I think it’s better if you don’t really care about horses, as I enjoyed it immensely, but my horse-obsessed girlfriend spent at least a quarter of the two and a half hour run time watching through her fingers, so desperate was she not to see anything bad happen to a horse. ” | [Read the rest of the review]
Will of French Toast Sunday wrote a review of War Horse. | Here’s a quote “It really does capture the simple realities of a young man going off to war. It captures the attachment and bond that forms behind a horse and his master. It paints a picture, a vivid one, of this boy’s life and it’s a picture that will touch you. ” | [Read the rest of the review]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of Lincoln. | Here’s a quote “watching Lincoln felt an awful lot like watching Shakespeare, especially the first time around. A great deal of the dialogue flew past me with no sign of comprehension, but fortunately I was able to catch the drift of what was going on thanks to the tremendous performances on display, from a cast almost beyond comparison.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee wrote a review of Lincoln. | Here’s a quote “LINCOLN is an engaging film, and ranks up amongst the best of the year. Its decision to depict just a few months of Abraham Lincoln’s life gives it a wonderful focus.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Shane of Film Actually wrote a review of Lincoln. | Here’s a quote “This film is an example of confident directing, as Spielberg tells the story straight and true. Spielberg has tackled the plight of African-Americans before (The Color Purple and Amistad), coming under criticism for the heightened drama that has become his trademark. On this occassion though, he takes a big risk and it really pays off.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Wendell of Dell on Movies wrote a review of Lincoln. | Here’s a quote “Carrying the weight of history, the plot unfolds in a riveting manner. This is because the supporting cast is allowed ample room to breathe. In a departure from most contemporary films, especially biopics, much happens when our hero is not on the screen.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Nick of French Toast Sunday wrote a review of Lincoln. | Here’s a quote “the more I thought about it, the film, even though it does have a cohesive story and plot, at times could feel like a series of vignettes where everyone is down trodden and they don’t think they can do it but then here comes Lincoln with a story or joke followed by rousing words of “We Can Do It!” | [Read the rest of the review]
Wendell of Dell on Movies wrote a review of The Adventures of Tin Tin. | Here’s a quote “The animation is top notch and gives us some wonderful visuals throughout. Action is pretty much non-stop so you, most likely, won’t be bored. And if you like pratfalls and slapstick comedy, you’ll laugh a lot, too.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee wrote a review of The Adventures of Tin Tin. | Here’s a quote “TINTIN is proof-positive that intentional 3-D in the hands of a master can add depth and fluidity to a film, rather than feeling like a tacked-on gimmick.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Lindsay of French Toast Sunday wrote a review of The Adventures of Tin Tin. | Here’s a quote “The Adventures of Tin Tin is impressive, not only due to its ability to invoke family friendly fun, but also because of it’s technical beauty. The film scores dramatically high marks in the special effects department, which makes for a thrilling and exciting cinematic experience” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee takes an in depth look at Spielberg’s cinematic gem. | [Back to Basics – AI: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of A.I. Artifical Intelligence. Here’s a quote “The story could have been interesting, and the world has potential for a more enthralling film within it, especially in the city scenes, and the brutal Flesh Fairs, where rogue ‘bots are hunted and tortured to a baying crowd’s delight, but over an hour of watching David desperately wanting to be a real boy becomes terminally dull. ” [Read the rest of the review]
The Gang at French Toast Sunday discussed A.I. Artifical Intelligence in detail on episode 201 of the French Toast Sunday Podcast. [FTS Podcast Eps 201: Mini – A.I. Artifical Intelligence]
Ryan of The Matinee wrote a review of Saving Private Ryan. | Here’s a quote ” I walked out of a movie theatre with my younger brother in tow. Neither one of us were speaking – likely because we just didn’t know what to say after the three hours we’d just experienced. Minute after minute passed, and we just couldn’t begin to talk about the film we’d watched…we weren’t even trying. We were looking out opposite windows of the car on the drive home, sad, stunned, and silent.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of Saving Private Ryan. | Here’s a quote “This opening scene is a landmark in war movie history, recreating the sense of utter confusion and imminent death present at that time. With a shaking camera, dialogue lost to explosions and gunfire, men wandering around after lost limbs and a bloody tide lapping at fallen soldiers and shot fish alike, it’s almost a relief once the landing has finished and they can get on with the plot” | [Read the rest of the review]
Will of French Toast Sunday fill that void in your life by finally giving you a drinking game for Saving Private Ryan. [Movie Drinking Game: Saving Private Ryan]
Shane of Film Actually wrote a review of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. | Here’s a quote “These days it seems hip to discount Spielberg’s talent as a director, but watching “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” re-affirmed by opinion that he’s one of the absolute best. ” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee dissects a shot from Close Encounters for his Freeze Frame series. | [Freeze Frame: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of Raiders of the Lost Ark. | Here’s a quote “The greatest element of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and what makes it such a brilliant adventure movie, is that the action never stops.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of The Temple of Doom. | Here’s a quote “Temple takes life a bit more seriously, is a bit more intense, or so I’ve always remembered. When I’ve thought of it, I tend to remember the dark, mythological plot, involving sacred stones, voodoo, mass child kidnapping and slavery, yet upon rewatching I picked up on the lighter notes, the offsetting of this darkness with two of the series’ more comic (and irritating) supporting characters, various light-hearted moments (generally involving elephants) and a physics/logic defying rollercoaster minecart ride.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Filmwrote a review of The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. | Here’s a quote “When I first saw the film in the cinema, on the weekend it was released, I didn’t actually think it was that terrible. Hell, if anything I enjoyed it, and left the theatre happy and fulfilled. Granted, it was certainly no Raiders of the Lost Ark, or even The Last Crusade, but it was a damn sight more fun than The Temple of Doom. I was somewhat shocked to discover that these feelings were not necessarily shared by the rest of the world, but now, after a couple more viewings, I have realized my mistake.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Ryan of The Matinee talked about Raiders & Temple of Doom with guest Ariel Fisher on his podcast The Matineecast. | [Episode 112]
Nick of French Toast Sunday reviewed the original Indiana Jones trilogy as a part of his Versus the Scarecrow series. Check out the feature and all three reviews. [Versus the Scarecrow Eps 7 Pt 1 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom] | [Versus the Scarecrow Eps 7 Pt 2 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade] |[Versus the Scarecrow Eps 7 Pt 3 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark]
Robert of To The Escape Hatch & French Toast Sunday looked at some of his favorite trivia tidbits from one of his favorite films. | [Trivial Peruse: Jaws ]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of Jaws. | Here’s a quote “The script and staging is impeccable, with one notable scene – the three leads in the galley of Quint’s boat the Orca – passes from tension, to camaraderie, through heavy emotion, back to a sense of fun and then intense action, all without any sense of confusion or feeling rushed. ” | [Read the rest of the review]
Shane Slater of Film Actually wrote a review of Jaws. | Here’s a quote “While the interesting underwater perspectives are commonplace today, the film still stands out for it’s warm sunlit photography. Compared to the usual dark, nighttime setting of most horror films, the pleasant glow really emphasizes the mood.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Will of French Toast Sunday focused his Classic Character write up on one of his favorite scruffy Spielberg characters – Quint from Jaws. | [Classic Character: Quint from Jaws (1975)]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of Jurassic Park. | Here’s a quote “It’s not just a monster disaster movie though, as there are genuinely hilarious moments of comedy (the blink and you’ll miss it rear view mirror gag is comic perfection), and the scenes are pitched perfectly, with the T-rex car chase immediately calmed by a gentler encounter with a herd of brachiosaurs. All in all, this is an example of movie perfection, and I look forward to enjoying it many more times in the future.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Darren of Movie Review 101 wrote a review of Jurassic Park. | Here’s a quote “The story tells of such an adventure that will never be forgotten by the people who have seen it. It follows so many different ideas that challenge all the characters thoughts. With all the adventures you could have imagined in a film based theme ride. Really just sit back and enjoy the visual story feast.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Shane of Film Actually singled out one of his favorite screen grabs from the Spielberg classic – Jurassic Park. | [Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Jurassic Park]
Robert of To The Escape Hatch is a human being and therefore loves Jurassic Park. He details his whole obsession in this piece here – [ Obsessive Cinematic Disorder: I’m Obsessed with Jurassic Park] and also write in depth about one of his favorite scenes from the movie here – [Favorite Scene Friday: “Welcome to Jurassic Park”]
Lindsay of French Toast Sunday broke down some of the magic behind the dinosaurs in this edition of FX Spotlight. | [FX Spotlight: Jurassic Park (1993)]
Jay of Live Vs Film & French Toast Sunday decided to take on a list that featured both his favorite and least favorite things about the problematic sequel Jurassic Park: The Lost World. | [5 Favorite (and Least Favorite) Things About Jurassic Park: The Lost World]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film provided his special set of skills to help out Robert of To The Escape Hatch for a another Jurassic Park edition of Favorite Scene Friday. | [Favorite Scene Friday: Special Delivery]
Robert of To The Escape Hatch dedicated another Favorite Scene Friday to an important moment from Spielberg’s Minority Report. | [Favorite Scene Friday: Minority Report – You Can Choose]
Darren of Movie Review 101 wrote a review of Minority Report. | Here’s a quote “We have the one man crusade to prove he couldn’t commit a murder to someone he doesn’t know. Mix it all together you get a thriller that shows what seems like a perfect system has flaws in it. Think ‘The Fugitive’ in the future with technology to make running harder” | [Read the rest of the review]
Wendell of Dell on Movies wrote a review of Duel. | Here’s a quote “Given that last fact, I was prepared for lots of cheesiness and unintentional humor. What surprised me is how effective this movie still is after forty plus years.” | [Read the rest of the review]
Shane Slater of Film Actually takes a look at one of his favorite shots from the movie The Color Purple. | [Hit Me With Your Best Shot: The Color Purple]
Jess of French Toast Sunday focused this edition of Best Picture Series on one of Spielberg’s most praised films – Shcindler’s List. | [Best Picture Series: Schindler’s List]
Jay Cluitt of Live Vs Film wrote a review of The Color Purple. | Here’s a quote “To begin with, the acting is impeccable throughout. Whoopi Goldberg – a long way from being a performer I like – does wonders here as the grown up Celie, despite having very little dialogue. ” | [Read the rest of the review]