A ‘Shawshank Redemption Film’ is a film that you can watch whenever, wherever no matter what you are doing or have plans to do. It’s a film where you stop, sit down, and watch it through to its conclusion, no matter what channel it is on. This can also be known as ‘Forrest Gump-itis ’, ‘Back To The Future Disorder’ or ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Syndrome’. Obviously, I’m not counting Shawshank, or any of the above mentioned films on my list, though they do apply. Leave a comment below about your Shawshank Films!! Below are six of my choices, in no particular order.
I was just watching this film this morning and as soon as I saw it, I tossed the remote aside. I watched the rest of the film and my father even joined in as we laughed at the film as if we’ve never seen it before while simultaneously quoting the film as if we wrote it. Great way to start your day.
The Godfather
This is pretty obvious. I grew up with my father quoting me this film and every time it’s on, I just have to sit down and watch it. Even when it’s on AMC and I gotta sit through commercials, I happily do it, knowing very well that I could just pop the BluRay in. The film itself is, to me, one of the more powerful films out there and holds your attention and develops characters right in front of you and it almost plays out like an Anti-Hero origins story. It’s a classic and only gets better with each watch.
My high school afternoons were spent locked in the computer room (spare bedroom) of the house doing homework on the computer and having Scarface on a loop. Needless to say, I love this movie and any time it’s on TV, I find myself DVR-ing the film. I’ve watched the film so much on both dvd, bluray, and tv, that I’ve started quoting the TV edited version of the film to friends and… well, yeah, that may be nerdy, but there is so much joy that fills my heart when doing it. Scarface is another classic that ages like whiskey and reminds us that no matter how big your cocaine empire gets, you NEVER get high on your own supply.
The Dark Knight
A newer entry into this list for me, but a great film nonetheless. My favorite of the Nolan Batman films, it does so many things right and teases what could have been (storyline wise in the Batman universe) all while keeping you thoroughly entertained. THAT, and let’s be honest, Heath Ledger is impressive as the Joker. He doesn’t have a bad scene in the film and you can almost track where you are in the movie by the last Joker scene.
The Silence Of The Lambs
This film continues to amaze me. With every single viewing of this film, I feel like I see a scene that was not in the film before. Or I hear a line I never remember being spoken. But what stays consistent is the performances of Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. The film is a thriller and builds and builds to an ending that gets me every time, despite knowing what happens.
Shaun of the Dead
Show me a more perfectly written comedy. I dare you. The film is incredibly “meta”, filled to the brink with jokes, and the foreshadowing is comically incomparable. On top of that, it’s a zombie (sorry, forgot we’re not using the zed word) undead action film starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and directed by the incredibly talented Edgar Wright. Much like the other films on this list, it doesn’t matter what part you jump in on because you’re gonna laugh. You’re gonna laugh so much it hurts! I’ve watched the film so much, I started quoting it, but then I just flat out began using some of the dialog in my everyday speech. I’m not ashamed of it either, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna pop out into the shed. Just two seconds.
So what are your ‘Shawshank Redemption’ films? Leave your comments below!!