Let’s cut to the chase: I love this movie. Cabin In The Woods is a film of a rare breed, one that manages to successfully combined multiple genres without loosing focus. The movie masterfully blends horror, sci-fi and comedy so smoothly that you will well up with all the right emotions at all the right time. I would hate to spoil this movie for anyone, unsuspecting or otherwise, because it’s certainly a film where the less you know the better, so what follows is my attempt to review the film without tainting it.
The film’s title and trailer suggest to the viewer the idea of a cliched ‘cabin in the woods’ horror story, except this story is different. There are secrets looming around this cabin and the truth behind the secrets deleves into a whole other world within the film. That’s where the film takes on other genres in tandem with the horror story presented to us. It’s hard not to fall right in the groove. The tight script is standout, producing not only a cast of likable characters and punchy dialouge, but also well maitinenced transitions. It slips in and out of its various content with remarkable ease that at points, you can’t tell whether what’s happening is merely enjoyable or downright brilliant. Big ups are also in store for both Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, who take their obvious love and understanding for genre film and put it hard at work. Together the two produce fantastic results.
My thoughts are running out on vauge praises for the film and steering into Spoilerville. I really don’t want to go there but can promise a fun ride to anyone deciding to see the film. The direction, writing, level of captivation and even the acting for the most part are all operating on the highest level. If you’re a genre fanboy/girl or you are just looking for something remakably fresh, don’t miss what I’m already referring to as this decade’s Scream. I know I’m seeing it again with the rest of the FTS crew the first chance I get.